Center for Early Learning Professionals

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Tune-In Tuesdays: Winter PD is Here! / Martes Sintonizados: Llegó el DP del Invierno

Weekly Highlights

En español abajo

January 9, 2024

Happy Tune-In Tuesday! Here are the weekly highlights for the early childhood community in Rhode Island. This issue includes the following sections:

  • CELP PD Highlights – Winter PD is Here!
  • News from RIDE
  • Resources for You
  • PD in the Community

Share your news and calendar events!

CELP PD Highlights

CELP Winter Semester PD is Open!
Check out the winter course offerings, there is something for everyone. Click on the link below to see our complete list. Classes start in January and run through March.

For All Early Childhood Professionals:

  • Exploring Identity, Implicit Bias, and Anti-bias Education through Reflective Practice. This series equips educators with the tools to reflect on their identity, explore implicit bias and the role this plays in their interactions with young children, and implement the goals of anti-bias education. Each session will build upon the next–reflecting on identity of the self, supporting positive identity with young children, learning strategies to recognize and mitigate the effects of implicit bias, and learning strategies to implement the four goals of anti-bias education. Starts Saturday, January 27th.

For Teachers

  • Science Talk and Inquiry: An Overview of Best Science Practices. Are you wondering about how to “do science” in your classroom? This new 3-part series will begin to unpack and explore the newly revised science RIELDS. Come learn about how to engage children in learning about physical, life, and earth and space sciences. Starts Wednesday, January 24th.

For Administrators

  • Creating Strong Management Systems: A Series for Administrators. This series will support administrators in developing and/or strengthening their program’s comprehensive management systems. Sessions will model the use of a framework for system development and will review the following program components: on-going self-assessment, staff supervision and support, and family engagement. Starts Tuesday, January 23rd.

In-Person Cluster Trainings at Community-Based Programs

  • Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviors. This series will focus on defining challenging behavior, understanding why children exhibit this type of behavior and identifying appropriate interventions that help children become successful members of the classroom community. Location: Little Learners Academy, 440 George Washington Hwy, Smithfield, RI. Starts Thursday, February 1st.
  • Advancing Young Children’s Language and Literacy Development. This series is designed to increase teachers’ capacity to promote children’s language and literacy development from birth to school age. Sessions will emphasize evidence-based strategies that maximize children’s reading comprehension, language development, and phonological awareness. This series is appropriate for infant/toddler and preschool teachers, and school-age educators. Location: Joyful Hearts Child Care, 91 Cottage Street, Pawtucket, RI. Starts Thursday, February 1st.

New Self-paced PD

Supporting Social-Emotional Learning through Classroom Routines. This course presents an overview of ways to support young children’s social and emotional learning throughout the day. It focuses on practical strategies for supporting preschool-aged children in developing their social-emotional skills and ways that adults can use routines to meet the needs of young children.

Register for PD

News from RIDE

2024-25 RI Pre-K Lottery Interest Form is now available from RIDE. RI children 4 years old by 9/1/2024 may be eligible for a FREE Pre-K seat. Signup to be notified when the RI Pre-K lottery is open. Please contact Elaine Remillard at for all questions related to the RIELDS.


RIELDS released new trainings for the winter semester. Classes will start in January. Check this webpage to see the new RIELDS PD.

  • In person sessions for the Instructional Cycle, Curriculum and Planning, and Programs courses will occur at the Center for Early Learning Professionals.
  • The Infant/Toddler Curriculum and Planning Course, and Programs for Administrators course will pilot in the Spring (April – June) quarter.
  • The self-paced RIELDS Guiding Principles and 9-Domains modules in English will officially launch in January. The revision of these modules required more work than anticipated, hence, the prolonged timeline for the official launch. We appreciate your patience and would urge enrollment in the virtual, synchronous cohorts in the meantime. The Spanish modules require professional translation and will be published in the near future.

Resources for You

  • The T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Program provides opportunities for early childhood educators to complete higher education course work in early childhood education while providing sponsoring childcare programs an opportunity to develop their workforce. Contact or 401-739-6101 for more information.
  • The Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) is accepting applications for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) for Child Care staff pilot. This is a one-year pilot offering CCAP benefits to subsidize the cost of child care for eligible early childhood educators and staff who work in a DHS licensed child care program. Applications will be accepted through July 31, 2024. See this DHS webpage for more information: CCAP for Child Care Staff Pilot | RI Department of Human Services.

PD in the Community

New! Coming this spring from CCRI: Leadership and Reflective Supervision of Early Childhood Programs. A new course for current or upcoming early childhood education program leaders. Course registration is now available! Questions? Please contact Courtney Read at or Carol Patnaude at

Looking for tips on self-care? This Teacher Time web training has effective strategies to support your overall well-being. You can use them with children to create a positive learning environment! Time for You: Self-Care Strategies from Head Start ECLKC.

Online trainings from RIAMH.

The DHS/RIC Birth to Three Certificate Program is accepting applications for the January cohort. The RIC Recruitment Flyer provides detailed information about the program, the curriculum, and the application process.

Try the iPD Portfolio from Head Start
The iPD Portfolio is a learning management system from Head Start that is open to educators in all child care settings. It has self-paced courses based on staff roles and interests. Click here to reach iPD.

Business Practices for Out-of-School Time Child Care Webinar from National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment
This interactive webinar, hosted by the Office of Child Care’s National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE) and National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance (NCECQA), will highlight tips and resources to help child care providers serving school-age children build or enhance their business practices and create more sustainable Out-of-School Time (OST) programs. Select this web link to register for the webinar. Contact the NCASE team at with any questions.

Share Your News and Calendar Events!

Do you have news for Tune-In Tuesday or calendar events that are relevant to the early childhood community of Rhode Island? You can share them through this form. (Center staff may edit your submission for clarity or decline to post any submission.)

Anuncios Destacados

9 de enero de 2024

¡Feliz martes sintonizado! Aqui tienes los anuncios destacados para la comunidad de educación temprana en Rhode Island. Este boletín incluye las siguientes secciones:

  • DP destacado del CELP – ¡Llegó el DP del invierno!
  • Noticias de RIDE

Recursos para la comunidad de educación infantil

DP Destacado del CELP

¡Ya llegó el DP del invierno!
Las clases de desarrollo profesional del invierno ya están disponibles. Hay algo para todos.  Las clases comenzarán en enero y se extenderán hasta marzo. No te pierdas estas clases, y visita nuestro sitió web para ver todas las clases disponibles este invierno:

Dos No son los Nuevos Cinco: Comprendiendo el Desarrollo de Bebés y Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Esta serie ofrece una visión profunda del desarrollo físico, social, emocional, y del desarrollo cognitivo y lingüístico de los bebés y niños pequeños. Las sesiones resaltan el papel esencial que desempeñan el apego/unión y la relación receptiva en el desarrollo saludable a través de estos campos interrelacionados. Empieza miércoles, 24 de enero.

Comprender el Impacto del Trauma en los Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Las experiencias dolorosas y estresantes tempranas en la vida pueden tener un efecto duradero en el crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños. Esta serie proporciona una visión general completa del impacto de estas experiencias en los niños pequeños e introduce estrategias efectivas para trabajar con estos niños en un entorno de cuidado infantil. Las sesiones destacarán la importancia de construir relaciones de confianza y reconocer señales y desencadenantes mientras se apoya a los niños con antecedentes de trauma. Esta serie está diseñada para educadores que poseen una sólida comprensión de los fundamentos del desarrollo social y emocional saludable para niños pequeños. Empieza jueves, 14 de marzo.

DP en tu horario
Tenemos desarrollo profesional grabado que puedes tomar cuando te conviene. Hay cursos sobre temas de importancia para educadores de bebes y niños pequeños. Puedes seguir creciendo en tu profesión y profundizar tu conocimiento en un area nuevo o revisar un tema que ya conoces.

Regístrate para DP

Noticias de RIDE

El formulario de interés de la lotería de prekínder de RI para 2024-25 ya está disponible. Los niños de RI que cumplan 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre de 2024 pueden ser elegibles para un asiento de prekínder GRATUITO. Regístrate para recibir una notificación cuando esté abierta la lotería de RI Pre-K.

RIDE anunció nuevos entrenamientos de RIELDS. Los entrenamientos en español empezaran en enero y los puedes encontrar en esta página.

Recursos para Ti

  • El proyecto Jóvenes Matemáticos (YM) ha lanzado su propio canal de YouTube que presenta vídeos de juegos matemáticos para educadores y familias de niños de 3 a 6 años. Suscríbete a su canal, que tendrá más de 150 videos en español, inglés y portugués. El canal de YouTube de EDC también incluye una lista de reproducción de YM.
  • El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Rhode Island (DHS) está aceptando aplicaciones para el programa piloto de asistencia para cuidado infantil (CCAP) para el personal de cuidado infantil. Este es un programa piloto de un año que ofrece beneficios CCAP para subsidiar el costo del cuidado infantil para educadores y personal de educación infantil elegibles que trabajan en un programa de cuidado infantil con licencia del DHS. Se aceptarán solicitudes hasta el 31 de julio de 2024. Esta página de DHS tiene mas información: CCAP for Child Care Staff Pilot | RI Department of Human Services.

