Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

young girl writing on paper at a table

Summer Professional Development is Here!

The Center for Early Learning Professionals has released a new line-up of online PD opportunities for all early learning professionals — administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, and family child care providers. Click on the link below to see our complete list of Summer PD. Classes begin June 30th!

New Trainings Alert!

Introduction to Implicit Bias in the EC Classroom
In this introductory session, we will examine exactly what is Implicit Bias and look at why it matters in our lives and in our schools. Participants will learn about the neuroscience behind implicit bias and reflect on how it shows up in our everyday lives.

What is Infant Mental Health?
This 2-part series is an introduction to the field of Infant Mental Health that will define Infant Mental Health, explore its influence on social and emotional development and learning in the early years and highlight effective provider practice.

Environment Trainings for Teachers are Back

What Preschool Teachers Need to Know about the ECERS-3 and What Infant/Toddler Teachers Need to Know about the ITERS-3
These series will provide an overview of the ERS-3 tools for teachers of preschool or infant-toddler classrooms. Participants will learn about key concepts and terms and practice assessing the quality of their own classroom environment and interactions.

Developing a Standard of Care for your Outdoor Space
With summer approaching, it is the perfect to reflect upon and assess your program’s outdoor space. Learn how you can boost the quality of your space to ensure that all children are learning and thriving.

Register Here
