Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Spring Professional Development has Sprung!

Spring Professional Development Has Sprung!

Spring has sprung and so has the new calendar of exciting professional development opportunities. Take advantage of the longer days and build your knowledge, skills, and competencies on a variety of important early childhood topics. Click on the link below to see our complete list. Classes begin April 5th.
Strengthen Your Connection with Children and Families

Start Your Journey into Conscious Discipline with CD 101
Come learn about Conscious Discipline, a brain-based, trauma-informed approach to social-emotional learning. This introductory session will provide participants with an overview of the central tenets of the Conscious Discipline curriculum and strategies for beginning classroom implementation. This training will be offered in English with live simultaneous translation in Spanish.

Take Conscious Discipline to the Next Level
Building a Foundation for Social Emotional Learning (Formerly the Diving Deeper: Building the Skills of Resiliency series)
This 3-part series will answer the question, “How do I create a classroom that will support all students’ diverse needs?” This series will share practical tools and structures that foster a classroom based on safety and connection, so children are regulated enough to explore their learning environment, foster self-regulation skills and social emotional learning. There is a prerequisite for this series. Participants must have taken the Our Amazing Brain/Brain Power series.

Family Engagement: Culturally Responsive Approach
Research proves that strong partnerships between families and educators are key factors contributing to successful child outcomes.  This series will explore important concepts and practices for building strong relationships with families, engaging them in their children’s development and learning, and understanding implicit bias and its impact on interactions with families.

Pre-K to K Transition Overview
Springtime is an important transition time for young children as they prepare to move out of preschool and into kindergarten for the fall. This one-session PD opportunity will support administrators and Pre-K teachers in understanding their role in supporting children and families during the transition to kindergarten. Participants will learn about the components of high-quality kindergarten transition practices and how to access resources to self-assess and improve their current policies and procedures in their programs.
Trainings for Administrators

Using the ECERS-3 or ITERS-3 to Improve Program Quality
These series will provide an overview of the ECERS-3 or ITERS-3 a tool that directors, education coordinators, and supervisors can use to assess quality in preschool or infant-toddler classrooms. Participants will learn and practice strategies for using the tool for program self-assessment and continuous quality improvement.

Promoting Teachers’ Professional Growth: The Role of the Education Coordinator
Teaching staff need more support than ever. The education coordinator plays a vital role in creating a system of supervision, coaching, and leadership. This series will explore the various roles of the education coordinator and how to develop a supervision plan to promote staff growth and development.

Click here to register!
