Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Winter 2022 Professional Development is Here!

Start off the new year with meeting your professional development goals! Our winter calendar offers PD on a wide variety of topics for educators in all roles. Click on the link below to see our complete list. Classes begin on January 8th and will run through March.

Support the Mental Health of Children and Families in your Program

Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Young Children
This series provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of traumatic experiences on young children and introduces effective strategies for working with these children in a child care setting. The sessions will highlight the importance of building trusting relationships and recognizing cues and triggers while supporting children with a history of trauma.

Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviors
Come learn about why children exhibit challenging behaviors and interventions that will help them become more successful members of the classroom community. This series will focus on defining challenging behavior, understanding the why behind this behavior, and how to best support children’s social and emotional development.

PD Offerings for Infant-Toddler Teachers

Introduction to Infant and Toddler Assessment: Observation and Documentation
This introductory series will provide teachers with the nuts and bolts of child assessment for infants and toddlers. Session topics will include the types and purposes of assessment, the role of assessment in supporting young children’s development, and best practices for conducting assessments.

Responsive Caregiving: Supporting the Needs of Infants and Toddlers
This series presents a research-based approach to caring for infants and toddlers that focuses on social and emotional development as the foundation for all growth and development. Participants will explore the principles of responsive caregiving, the role of relationships in infant-toddler care, and how to meet the unique needs of children birth to toddlerhood.

Help Me Explore! Using Quality Materials for Play and Learning with Infants and Toddlers (simultaneous translation)
Check out this one session PD offering on best practice for supporting play and learning with infants and toddlers. Learn about which types of learning materials and interactions will optimize development at this age.
A New Training for Family Child Care Providers

Creating a Family Handbook for Family Child Care Providers
This new PD offering targeted for Family Child Care Providers will walk through the components of a family handbook and review forms and documentation families must complete for enrollment of their child.

Click here to register!
