Center for Early Learning Professionals

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young boy playing at a water table

Tune-In Tuesdays: See Our Upcoming PD! / Martes sintonizados: ¡Ve nuestro DP próximo!

Weekly Highlights

En español abajo

May 7, 2024

Happy Tune-In Tuesday and Teacher Appreciation Week! 🤩

This issue includes the following sections:

  • See Our Upcoming PD!
  • News from DHS
    • DHS and CCRI Announce the RIECETP College Credit and CDA Training Programs
    • Information Session on May 23rd for the RIC Infant Toddler Certificate of Undergraduate Studies – Funded by DHS
  • News from RIDE
    • The RI Pre-K Lottery for 2024-2025 Is Now Open!
  • 2023 State of Pre-K Yearbook is Live!
  • RI KIDS COUNT Launches its 2024 Factbook
  • Teacher Appreciation Week 🤩
  • May 9th is Strolling Thunder and Child Care Awareness Day 2024
  • PD in the Community
  • Resources for You
  • Share your news and calendar events!

See Our Upcoming PD!

What You Say Matters: Strengthening Interactions Throughout the Day (Online)
Learn about the importance of positive relationships and interactions for children’s development and learning. Strategies for planning high-quality interactions to extend children’s learning during play, read-aloud sessions, daily routines and transitions will be the focus. This series is best suited for new teachers and teacher assistants who are looking to expand their current role in the classroom, and become more engaged and effective in their interactions with children. Tuesdays, May 14th, 28th, and June 11th, from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

Pre-K to K Transition Overview (Online)
This one-session PD opportunity will support administrators and Pre-K teachers in understanding their role in supporting children and families during the transition to Kindergarten. Thursday, May 16th, from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

Read-Aloud Basics (Self-paced Online)
This course, developed by CELP, presents an overview of best book reading practices. Course lessons address the importance of early read-aloud experiences, book genre, interactive read-aloud strategies, and supporting vocabulary development.

 Courses from ProSolutions (Self-paced Online)
We have added new courses to the selection available from ProSolutions. New titles include Assessing Your Leadership Style; Onboarding 101; Talent Management: Building the Pipeline. See the full list.

Click the link below to see the full list of spring PD!

Register for PD

News from DHS:

DHS and CCRI Announce the RIECETP College Credit and CDA Training Programs


RIECETP College Credit

If you are an Early Childhood Educator working with children ages birth through 5 in a DHS licensed, BrightStar rated and CCAP center or family child care program you may qualify to earn 12/24 FREE college credits in Early Childhood Education.

RIECETP has added the Certificate in Early Childhood Education for students who have completed the 12 credit program. All courses directly apply toward the department’s A.A. degree.

Information and applications available at


RIECETP 12/24 College Credit Program Application (Click Here)


The Child Development Associate (CDA) is a nationally recognized early childhood credential designed to assess early childhood educator’s knowledge, skills and abilities using multiple sources of evidence such as an exam, observation and professional portfolio. The purpose of this credential is to ensure that early childhood educators are providing high quality care and meeting the developmental, emotional and educational needs of children.

Credencial de Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil (CDA) es una credencial de infancia temprana reconocida a nivel nacional diseñada para evaluar el conocimiento y las habilidades de los educadores de la primera infancia utilizando múltiples fuentes de evidencia, como un examen, observación y portafolio profesional. El propósito de esta credencial es garantizar que los educadores de la primera infancia brinden atención de alta calidad y satisfagan las necesidades de desarrollo, emocionales y educativas de los niños.

The 14-week Cohort model will meet online weekly to assist participants to:

  • Receive instruction to gain an understanding of the 6 CDA Competency Standards.
  • Receive technology training and use of textbooks.
  • Receive guidance in preparing the Professional Portfolio and developing a Philosophy Statement.
  • Develop Community Supports.
  • Link students to the RI-T.E.A.C.H. coordinator for scholarship funds and exam registration assistance.
  • Earn up to 45 hours of RI State Approved Professional Development Hours.
  • Receive guidance in completing the CDA online application process and pre-exam requirements.

CDA Application – Preschool (Click Here)
CDA Application – Infant – Toddler (Click Here)
CDA Application – Family Child Care Provider Español (Click Here)

Lori Ryan

News from DHS:
Information Session on May 23rd for the RIC Infant Toddler Certificate of Undergraduate Studies – Funded by DHS


RIC is hosting 4 sessions to inform any interested party about their Birth to 3 certificate of undergraduate studies.

Program Highlights:

  • Eligibility: Available to any DHS Licensed CCAP providers/educators
  • Credits: Earn 16 college credits as part of the B3 CUS program
  • Articulation with CCRI: Two courses can be applied towards an Associate of Arts (AA) at the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI); all credits can be applied towards a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Early Childhood Education (ECED) with a Concentration in Birth to 3 at RIC
  • Format: Evening classes in a hybrid format, combining face-to-face and online sessions
  • RI-Best Model: Supports Spanish-speaking students with course content delivered in Spanish and a 1-credit ESL support course each semester
  • Mentoring: On-site mentoring is a required component
  • Infant Toddler Scholarship: Application details are available on request

The information will be held In-Person and on Zoom on May 23rd at 5pm. 600 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Providence, RI, Horace Mann (39).

For further information or to register for the Zoom session please contact

News from RIDE:
The RI Pre-K Lottery for 2024-2025 Is Now Open!

Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) are proud to announce the RI Pre-K expansion and the opening of the 2024-2025 lottery for the state-funded RI Pre-K programs.

In the first expansion, since 2021, we are excited to add new programs, and new cities to the RI Pre-K community and bring the total of children served to over 2,800.

Families may contact the RIDE Pre-K team at with any questions. The lottery closes on June 24, 2024.

RI Pre-K Lottery Application 2024-2025

English Flyer 2024

2023 State of Pre-K Yearbook is Live!

This resource provides data about the current landscape of state Pre-K across the country, as well as a detailed state-by-state breakdown.

Rhode Island’s state-funded Pre-K program proudly meets all ten NIEER quality benchmarks!

In addition to this resource you can check out other NIEER offerings such as webinars, research papers and more!

View the NIEER 2023 State of Pre-K Yearbook here:
2023 Yearbook | National Institute for Early Education Research (

RI KIDS COUNT Launches its 2024 Factbook

RI KIDS COUNT has issued its 2024 KIDS COUNT Factbook. They celebrated the launch with a breakfast on May 6th which was attended by many in the early childhood community in RI, including CELP’s own Kristy Whitcomb and Julie Boutwell.

You can view the Factbook here.

Teacher Appreciation Week Resources

These resources are just for you!

The Best Gift For Teacher Appreciation Week: Better Mental Health (

Spread Gratitude in Your School Community! | Edutopia

May 9th is Strolling Thunder and Child Care Awareness Day 2024

Registration for Strolling Thunder and Advocacy Day is now LIVE on the Right from the Start website! This will be an Advocacy Day event (including lunch) at the Marriott beginning at noon on May 9th with a limited number of tickets for families and educators and then, all participants will stroll to the State House for the remainder of the event. If you are interested in joining at the State House only, this will begin around 2pm at the State House. Invitations will be going out soon via Right from the Start emails, RIAEYC emails, postcards, social media and more! There are more details included on the registration page and a schedule of events.

Register Here:

PD in the Community

New! From the Office of Head Start: Coaching Corner Series: Developing Strategies to Restore Calm for Adults (

From ECKLC: Social and Emotional Well-being Supports and Strategies | ECLKC (

From Early Childhood Investigations:

Resources for You


New! From ECLKC: Early Childhood Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety Resource List.

New! From ECLKC: Healthy Transitions to Kindergarten Head Start – health services staff support kindergarten readiness by talking with families before they leave the Head Start program. In this English and Spanish tip sheet, find questions to engage families and suggestion for actions that health services staff may take to help children make a healthy transition.

From CCRI: Bilingual Early Childhood Education: Build professional skills in a bilingual program that includes foundational English skills for success in college! The Bilingual Early Childhood Education program prepares students to qualify as lead teachers in childcare center settings to improve their family childcare provider business. Students will complete 15 academic credits with RIBEST adult education support. The classes include Introduction to Helping and Human Services, Child Growth and Development Skills, Curriculum for Young Children, Parent and Child Relations, and Field Experience and Seminar.

Rhode Island College Birth to 3 Certificate of Undergraduate Studies – Fall 2024: RIC is gearing up to launch a certificate program (Birth to 3 Certificate of Undergraduate Studies) tailored specifically for child care providers. This program is designed to support professionals in the field by enhancing their skills and knowledge, ultimately benefiting the communities they serve. As we prepare for the recruitment phase, we believe that your insight and connections could amplify our reach.
Spanish flier – linked here
English flier – linked here

Share Your News and Calendar Events!

Do you have news for Tune-In Tuesday or calendar events that are relevant to the early childhood community of Rhode Island? You can share them through this form. (Center staff may edit your submission for clarity or decline to post any submission.)

Anuncios Destacados

7 de mayo de 2024

¡Feliz martes sintonizado! ¡Y feliz semana de la maestra! 🤩

Este boletín incluye las siguientes secciones:

  • ¡Ve nuestro DP próximo!
  • Noticias de DHS
    • DHS y CCRI anuncian el programa de CDA de RIECETP
  • Noticias de RIDE
    • La lotería del pre-kinder de RI para 2024-2025 ya está abierta
    • Recursos para ti

¡Ve nuestro DP próximo!

Preparación para el kínder y una transición exitosa – Serie en línea
Esta oportunidad de desarrollo profesional de dos sesiones ayudará a los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar a comprender su papel en el apoyo a los niños y las familias durante la transición al kinder. Esta serie definirá la preparación para el kinder y brindará a los participantes la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las prácticas actuales e identificar los próximos pasos. Jueves, 16 y 30 de mayo de 6:00-8:00pm.

Haz clic en el enlace abajo para ver todo el desarrollo profesional de la primavera.

Regístrate para DP

Noticias de DHS:

DHS y CCRI anuncian el programa de CDA de RIECETP

El Credencial de Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil (CDA) es una credencial de infancia temprana reconocida a nivel nacional diseñada para evaluar el conocimiento y las habilidades de los educadores de la primera infancia utilizando múltiples fuentes de evidencia, como un examen, observación y portafolio profesional. El propósito de esta credencial es garantizar que los educadores de la primera infancia brinden atención de alta calidad y satisfagan las necesidades de desarrollo, emocionales y educativas de los niños.

CDA Application – Family Child Care Provider Español (Haz clic aquí)


Noticias de RIDE:
La lotería del pre-kinder de RI para 2024-2025 ya está abierta

La comisionada Angélica Infante-Green y el Departamento de Educación de Rhode Island (RIDE) se enorgullecen de anunciar la expansión de RI Pre-K y la apertura de la lotería 2024-2025 para los programas de RI Pre-K financiados por el estado.

En la primera expansión, desde 2021, estamos entusiasmados de agregar nuevos programas y nuevas ciudades a la comunidad de RI Pre-K y llevar el total de niños atendidos a más de 2800.

Las familias pueden comunicarse con el equipo de RIDE Pre-K en si tienen alguna pregunta. La lotería se cierra el 24 de junio.

Aplicación para Pre-K 2024-2025

Folleto en español 2024

Recursos para ti

  • ¡Nuevo! De ECLKC: Transiciones saludables al kindergarten – El personal de los servicios de salud de Head Start apoya la preparación para el kindergarten, ya que tiene conversaciones con las familias antes de que salgan de Head Start. En esta hoja de consejos, podrá encontrar preguntas para involucrar a las familias y las medidas sugeridas que el personal de servicios de salud puede tomar para ayudar a los niños a hacer una transición saludable.
  • El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Rhode Island (DHS) está aceptando aplicaciones para el programa piloto de asistencia para cuidado infantil (CCAP) para el personal de cuidado infantil. Este es un programa piloto de un año que ofrece beneficios CCAP para subsidiar el costo del cuidado infantil para educadores y personal de educación infantil elegibles que trabajan en un programa de cuidado infantil con licencia del DHS. Se aceptarán solicitudes hasta el 31 de julio de 2024. Esta página de DHS tiene mas información: CCAP for Child Care Staff Pilot | RI Department of Human Services.
  • CCRI está ofreciendo Educación Bilingüe de la Primera Infancia. ¡Desarrolle habilidades profesionales en un programa bilingüe que incluya habilidades fundamentales de inglés para el éxito en la universidad! El programa de Educación Bilingüe de la Primera Infancia prepara a los estudiantes como maestros en centros de cuidado infantil o para mejorar su propio negocio de proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar. Los estudiantes completarán 15 créditos académicos con el apoyo de la educación para adultos de RIBEST. Las clases incluyen Introducción a la Ayuda y Servicios Humanos, Habilidades de Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil, Currículo para Niños Pequeños, Relaciones entre Padres e Hijos y Experiencia de Campo y Seminario.
  • Rhode Island College (RIC): Birth to Three Certificate of Undergraduate Studies. Si usted es un educador de la primera infancia que trabaja con niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años en un centro de cuidado infantil de RI o programa de cuidado familiar en el hogar Y DHS Licenciado/CCAP, usted es elegible para inscribirse en un Certificado de Estudios de Pregrado (CUS) en B-3 en RIC.
