Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

young boy reading a book

Register for April PD!

The Center will provide the same great, high-quality PD, just online. Stay tuned for more PD listings in May.

PD for Administrators

Using the ECERS-3 to Improve Program Quality and Using the ITERS-3 to Improve Program Quality
Continue to plan for quality improvement! These two online offerings will guide administrators through the program self-assessment process using the new ERS-3 tools. Each series provides participants with an in-depth look at the new items in the tool and the opportunity to analyze the strengths and areas for improvement in their program.

PD for All Early Childhood Professionals

Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Young Children
Back by popular demand! This series will help educators understand the impact of stressful experiences early in life, such as the current pandemic, on children’s growth and development. Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of the impact of toxic stress and trauma on young children and learn effective strategies for working with these children and their families.

Executive Function Skills in Early Childhood: The Basics
Sign-up for a PD “Short.” An hour-long session on Executive Function.
This one-hour session will explore recent research about the foundational skills that children need to become confident and competent learners, known as executive function skills. This session will focus on defining and understanding the three components of executive function and ways educators can promote the development of these skills through learning experiences and interactions.

Click on the link below to see all our April offerings, including PD for Family Child Care Providers and PD in Spanish.

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