Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

ITERS-3 cover

Additional Winter PD Series Added!

Due to high demand, we have added an additional session of our ITERS-3 series for infant and toddler teachers and our ECERS-3 overview for administrators and experienced center-based preschool teachers.

What Infant and Toddler Teachers Need to Know about the ITERS-3 educates teaching staff on the new ITERS-3 tool and on how to assess quality through the lens of the tool. This series is held at a high-quality BrightStars-rated program where participants will explore ideas that can be used in their own settings.

It will be held Mondays, March 16th, 30th, and April 6th from 5:30pm–8:00pm at Progreso Latino, located at 626 Broad Street, Central Falls, RI.

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The ECERS-R vs. the ECERS-3: What are the Key Differences? provides administrators with an overview of the key differences between the ECERS-R and the most current revision version, the ECERS-3. In this session we will discuss strategies to prepare for a BrightStars ECERS assessment within your program.. This session is also open to center-based preschool teachers who have familiarity with the ECERS-R and have had a previous ECERS-R observation in their classroom.

It will be held on Wednesday, March 18th from 1:30pm–3:30pm at the Center for Early Learning Professionals, located at 535 Centerville Road, Suite 201, Warwick, RI.

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