Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Winter Professional Development is Here!

The Center has released a new line-up of online PD opportunities for all early learning professionals — administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, and family child care providers. Click on the links below to see our complete list of Winter PD. Classes begin on January 9th!

PD Opportunities to Support Social-Emotional Development for All ECE Professionals

Conscious Discipline 101/ Disciplina Consciente 101
Come learn about Conscious Discipline, a brain-based, trauma-informed approach to social-emotional learning. This introductory session will provide participants with an overview of the central tenets of the Conscious Discipline curriculum and strategies for beginning classroom implementation. This training will be offered in English with live simultaneous translation in Spanish.

Our Amazing Brain
This 4-part series takes an in-depth look at the Brain State Model of Conscious Discipline. Session topics will include exploration of the three key brain states, survival, emotional, and executive, and how to recognize these states in yourself and the children you serve in your program. Participants must have taken Conscious Discipline 101 as a prerequisite to enroll in this series.

Implicit Bias: An Overview
In this introductory series, we will examine exactly what is Implicit Bias and look at why it matters in our lives and in our schools. Participants will learn about the neuroscience behind implicit bias and reflect on how it shows up in our everyday lives.

Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Young Children
This series provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of traumatic experiences on young children and introduces effective strategies for working with these children in a child care setting. The sessions will highlight the importance of building trusting relationships and recognizing cues and triggers while supporting children with a history of trauma.

New Offering for Administrators

Creating a Family Handbook
This new PD offering will walk through the components of a family handbook and review forms and documentation families must complete for enrollment of their child.

Click Here to Register!
