Center for Early Learning Professionals

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Upcoming PD for October!

Family Engagement: Culturally Responsive Aproach – Online
Developing respectful, reciprocal, and responsive relationships with families is essential for engaging them in their children’s education. Research proves that strong partnerships between families and educators are key factors contributing to successful child outcomes. In this series, we will explore strategies for building strong relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s development and learning. We will also discuss implicit bias, what it is, and how it impacts our interactions with families.

Saturdays, October 14th, 28th, and November 11th from 9:00am – 11:00am

Practical Approaches to Behavior for All Children: The Power of Language – Online
The language we use with children is critical to their emotional and academic engagement in school and in everyday life. Participants will explore verbal and nonverbal forms of communication and how both impact the delivery of a message. Common, everyday language used with children and adults will be analyzed and participants will learn ways to shift these language patterns. Additional topics will include assertive voice, redirection, and intention.

This session will be led by Chrissy Johansen, Special Educator and Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor.

Monday, October 23rd from 5:30pm – 7:30pm

View Fall PD
