Center for Early Learning Professionals

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Tune-In Tuesdays: Winter PD and More! / Martes sintonizados: ¡DP del invierno y más!

Weekly Highlights

En español abajo
February 13, 2024

Happy Tune-In Tuesday! Here are the weekly highlights for the early childhood community in Rhode Island. This issue includes the following sections:

  • CELP Winter PD Highlights
  • News from DHS:
    • RISES System Information
  • News from RIDE:
    • BrightStars LEA Framework
    • Apply to be a RIDE Curriculum Reviewer
    • URI Online Pathways
  • Spotlight on School-Age Resources
  • Resources for You
  • PD in the Community
  • Share your news and calendar events!

CELP Winter PD Highlights

Check out the winter course offerings, there is something for everyone. Click on the link below to see our complete list. Classes run through March!

Remember to register for your Workforce ID with RISES so you can register for PD. Click here to create your RISES account.

For Administrators:

  • Leading by Example – Cohort 2. Are early childhood leaders born, or are they created?  If you are an early childhood leader in Rhode Island, you know best, and either way, your answer is correct!!  Please join a cohort of your early childhood colleagues to learn, develop and share successful leadership strategies to support your program and the profession! Starts Wednesday, March 20th.

For All Early Childhood Professionals:

For School-Age Educators:

  • Addressing Adverse Experiences. In a community of practice format, school-age providers will discuss and explore the topic of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Session date: Tuesday, March 5th.

New Self-paced PD

  • Supporting Social-Emotional Learning through Classroom Routines. This course presents an overview of ways to support young children’s social and emotional learning throughout the day. It focuses on practical strategies for supporting preschool-aged children in developing their social-emotional skills and ways that adults can use routines to meet the needs of young children.

Boost Your Math Practices. This new self-paced course gives you an overview of ways to support mathematics in early childhood classrooms.

Register for PD

News from DHS:
RISES System Information

The RISES system is live and ready for you to visit and create your Workforce ID. Remember to register for your Workforce ID with RISES so you can register for PD.

Here are some helpful links for you to check out:

Please stay tuned for more updates! If you have any questions or need assistance regarding the RISES system, feel free to reach out to the Child Care Licensing email at If you have any questions regarding your CELP account, please email

News from RIDE:
Provide Feedback on the BrightStars Framework Draft for Public and Non-Public Schools


All public and non-public approved schools serving children between ages 3 – 5 years will be required to apply and maintain a rating with the state’s quality rating and improvement system (“QRIS” – BrightStars) by June 30, 2025.  RIDE, in partnership with BrightStars, is in the process of creating a quality framework to better align to public and non-public school contexts.  In the past, schools that wished to be rated through BrightStars were rated using the Childcare Framework, which posed a different set of challenges.  RIDE and BrightStars have developed a draft of the Framework for Public and Non-Public Schools and seek feedback from educators and administrators located within these contexts.

Please complete this survey to share your thoughts by 2/20/24.  Responses are anonymous.  If you have any questions, you may reach out to

News from RIDE:
Apply to be a RIDE Curriculum Reviewer

The Rhode Island Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (RIDE) is inviting early learning professionals to participate as reviewers of published, comprehensive and/or content-specific early learning curriculum. Through this process, reviewers will evaluate curriculum submissions intended for use in classrooms servicing children ages 3-5 years for alignment to the 2023 Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards and components of a high-quality early learning curriculum utilizing a RIDE-developed rubric.
Through this application process, RIDE will select approximately 5-10 early learning professionals to form teams that will independently review early learning curriculum submissions and meet jointly to determine final consensus scoring. Review assignments will be based on the number of curricula RIDE receives. Reviewers will be paid $500 per curriculum reviewed and can expect to review three to five curricula depending on the number of curricula submissions RIDE receives. Review work will approximately occur between April 8, 2024 – June 3, 2024.

**To ensure the curriculum review process is holistic, we welcome applications from professionals that represent a variety of roles in the early learning profession such as, but not limited to: General Education and Special Education Preschool/Pre-K Teachers, Kindergarten Teachers, Education Coordinators, Administrators, Professional Development and Technical Assistance providers, Itinerant Service Providers, and Higher Education faculty.

To apply to be a curriculum reviewer, please complete this Google Form: The application will close on Monday, March 11th 2024 at 12:00 PM.

News from RIDE:
Official Launch of URI Online’s ECCE Pre-K-2 Certification Programs for Fall 2024

RIDE is excited to announce, in partnership with the University of Rhode Island, the OFFICIAL launch of 2 new Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Online Programs: the B.S Degree Completion (with PK-2 certification), and the Accelerated Undergraduate Certificate (PK-2 certification only, no degree) programs. These programs are now accepting applications for Fall 2024 admission (DEADLINE: 4/2/2024 (Early Admission); 7/30/2024 (Regular Admission). Click here for the digital flyer with more information, including some program highlights. 
Register and attend a virtual or in-person information session to discover the value of a URI Online Early Childhood Care and Education program and learn more about each new program’s curriculum, admission requirements, and TEACH-RI scholarship eligibility requirements.  To register, please click the hyperlink for the session you would like to attend and complete the registration form.

Questions? Complete the “request more information” intake form indicating your interest in either new program. You will be connected with a URI Online intake coordinator that can guide you through the application process. If you have any questions regarding RIDE certification or determining whether this program may be for you based on prior credentials, please reach out to

Spotlight on School-Age Resources

Informational Articles

Curriculum Resources 

EiE, the award-winning curricula division of the Museum of Science, Boston, develops research-based, classroom-tested programs that empower children to become lifelong STEM learners and passionate problem solvers. For grades 3-8, explore Engineering Adventures® and Engineering Everywhere® a multidisciplinary engineering curriculum designed for flexible classroom settings.

Engineering curriculum resources from EIE

Coding curriculum resources from Scratch

Math Resources

Afterschool Math Plus –  Afterschool Math Plus is an evidence-based program that provides fun, real-world mathematics activities for students in grades three through eight. Materials include a culturally relevant curriculum designed around four thematic units that engage children. Each unit emphasizes identity development, careers, role models, strategies for family involvement, and inclusion of students with disabilities through an equity lens:

Crazy 8s is the “second child” of the Bedtime Math family. It is the largest recreational after-school math club for elementary-aged kids in the U.S.

Additional Resources

New! Students as Scientists: Nature-Based Inquiry from Cornell Lab K-12 Inquiry. Free units that use nature to inspire scientific investigation in students.

Skills for Success: Developing Social and Emotional Competencies in Out-of-School-Time Programs published by The RAND Corporation.

The Collaborative for Advancing Health Equity in Out-of-School Time has a new Community of Practice: Centering Equitable Approaches to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in OST. Click here to find out more.

Resources for You

  • New! Genesis Center is offering free English classes for home childcare providers. For more information and to apply, visit: or email:, &; tel: (401) 781-6110.
  • New! Multilingual Learning Toolkit website which is the result of a collaborative effort led by Early Edge California in support of young Multilingual Learners in PreK-3rd Grade that includes researchers, practitioners, advocacy organizations, state agencies, and philanthropic organizations from California and across the nation. Create an account to access the free resources.
  • Register for the new webinar in the Home Visiting Series from the Office of Head Start: Honoring Home in Home-based Programs to be held February 14 from 3pm – 4pm. The focus will be on Multicultural Principles and how they can help bring greater meaning and understanding to your interactions with parents and children.
  • The Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) is accepting applications for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) for Child Care staff pilot. This is a one-year pilot offering CCAP benefits to subsidize the cost of child care for eligible early childhood educators and staff who work in a DHS licensed child care program. Applications will be accepted through July 31, 2024. See this DHS webpage for more information: CCAP for Child Care Staff Pilot | RI Department of Human Services.

PD in the Community

A webinar from Early Childhood InvestigationsHow Perspective-Taking Nurtures Empathy, Kindness, & Justice in ECE – Early Childhood Webinars.

A series from the NHSA: Tackling Challenging Behaviors: with FUN!: Meeting Registration – Zoom.

Looking for tips on self-care? This Teacher Time web training has effective strategies to support your overall well-being. You can use them with children to create a positive learning environment! Time for You: Self-Care Strategies from Head Start ECLKC.

Our colleagues at the Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health (RIAIMH) have PD opportunities for you to explore! Online trainings from RIAIMH. In addition, save the dates for the upcoming Community Conversation Series 2024 have been released: March 12th and April 9th from 8:30-10:30AM. The focus being IECMH Trauma Informed Care: Honoring Families, Communities and Culture.

Share Your News and Calendar Events!

Do you have news for Tune-In Tuesday or calendar events that are relevant to the early childhood community of Rhode Island? You can share them through this form. (Center staff may edit your submission for clarity or decline to post any submission.)

Anuncios Destacados

13 de febrero de 2024

¡Feliz martes sintonizado! Aqui tienes los anuncios destacados para la comunidad de educación temprana en Rhode Island. Este boletín incluye las siguientes secciones:

  • DP destacado del CELP
  • Noticias de DHS
    • Información sobre el sistema RISES
  • Noticias de RIDE
    • Información sobre la lotería de prekinder
  • Recursos para ti

DP destacado del CELP

Las clases de desarrollo profesional del invierno están disponibles. Hay algo para todos.  Las clases se extenderán hasta marzo. No te pierdas estas clases, y visita nuestro sitió web para ver todas las clases disponibles este invierno.

Acuérdate de registrarte para tu Workforce ID en RISES para poder registrarte para DP. Haz clic aquí para crear tu cuenta en RISES.

Comprender el Impacto del Trauma en los Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Las experiencias dolorosas y estresantes tempranas en la vida pueden tener un efecto duradero en el crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños. Esta serie proporciona una visión general completa del impacto de estas experiencias en los niños pequeños e introduce estrategias efectivas para trabajar con estos niños en un entorno de cuidado infantil. Las sesiones destacarán la importancia de construir relaciones de confianza y reconocer señales y desencadenantes mientras se apoya a los niños con antecedentes de trauma. Esta serie está diseñada para educadores que poseen una sólida comprensión de los fundamentos del desarrollo social y emocional saludable para niños pequeños. Empieza jueves, 14 de marzo.

DP en tu horario
Tenemos desarrollo profesional grabado que puedes tomar cuando te conviene. Hay cursos sobre temas de importancia para educadores de bebes y niños pequeños. Puedes seguir creciendo en tu profesión y profundizar tu conocimiento en un area nuevo o revisar un tema que ya conoces.

Regístrate para DP

Noticias de DHS:
Información sobre el sistema RISES

El sistema RISES está activo y listo para que usted lo visite y cree su Workforce ID. Acuérdase de registrarse para su Workforce ID en RISES para poder registrarse para DP.

Aquí hay algunos enlaces útiles que puede consultar:

¡Estén atentos para más actualizaciones! Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda con respecto al sistema RISES, no dude en comunicarse con el correo electrónico de Licencias de cuidado infantil en Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre su cuenta CELP, envíe un correo electrónico a

Noticias de RIDE

El formulario de interés de la lotería de prekínder de RI para 2024-25 ya está disponible. Los niños de RI que cumplan 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre de 2024 pueden ser elegibles para un asiento de prekínder GRATUITO. Regístrate para recibir una notificación cuando esté abierta la lotería de RI Pre-K.

RIDE anunció nuevos entrenamientos de RIELDS. Los entrenamientos en español empiezan este mes y los puedes encontrar en esta página.

Recursos para ti

  • Empoderarla a Través de la Tecnología- CWE RI – En Persona: un taller de alfabetización digital diseñado para empoderar a las mujeres empresarias en su viaje digital. Adquiere las habilidades y herramientas necesarias para prosperar en la era digital, con orientación personalizada adaptada a tus necesidades empresariales.
  • WhatsApp Business Para Su Negocio – CWE RI -Virtual: un taller sobre: Manejo de Whatsapp Business: instalación y herramientas; Marketing en Whatsapp Business: cómo crear tu propia estrategia; y Venta con Whatsapp Business: ejemplos de campañas, trucos y consejos.
  • El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Rhode Island (DHS) está aceptando aplicaciones para el programa piloto de asistencia para cuidado infantil (CCAP) para el personal de cuidado infantil. Este es un programa piloto de un año que ofrece beneficios CCAP para subsidiar el costo del cuidado infantil para educadores y personal de educación infantil elegibles que trabajan en un programa de cuidado infantil con licencia del DHS. Se aceptarán solicitudes hasta el 31 de julio de 2024. Esta página de DHS tiene mas información: CCAP for Child Care Staff Pilot | RI Department of Human Services.