Center for Early Learning Professionals

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Tune-In Tuesdays: Weekly Highlights of PD and ECE Resources / Martes Sintonizados: DP y Recursos para Educación Infantil Destacados de esta Semana

Weekly Highlights

En español abajo

December 12, 2023

Happy Tune-In Tuesday! Here are the weekly highlights for the early childhood community in Rhode Island. This issue includes the following sections:

  • Center PD Highlights
  • News from RIDE
  • Resources for the Early Childhood Education Community
  • PD in the Community
  • News from Our Partners

Share your news and calendar events!

Center PD Highlights

Stay Tuned for Our Winter Semester PD!
Our winter semester PD will open for registration the week of December 18th and classes will start in January!

Back by popular request: On-Site Cluster Trainings. In-Person PD opportunities will be available at Joyful Hearts Child Care in Pawtucket and Little Learners Academy in Smithfield.

New titles to look for:

  • Science Talk and Inquiry: An Overview of Best Science Practices
  • Educator Wellness for Administrators
  • Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in Out of School Time (A School Age Community of Practice)

Early Care and Education Leader Community of Practice – Registration is ongoing!

The goal of this community of practice is to create a supportive environment for leaders in early care and education to share ideas, problem-solve, and deepen their understanding of leadership. We will facilitate content based on the needs and interests of the group, but we are also hoping that each participant will bring their own questions, concerns, and contributions to the table.  Each cohort will meet once per month for approximately one and a half hours, for 5 sessions. More sessions may be added if there is interest to continue. PD hours will be granted for participation.

  • November 27th, December 18th, January 22nd, February 26th, and March 25th from 3:30pm – 5:00pm – Online


  • December 6th, January 10th, February 7th, March 6th, and April 3rd from 1:00pm – 2:30pm – In Person

Check out our Self-Paced PD
Our self-paced PD is a great way to take PD on your schedule. We cover a range of topics relevant to early childhood educators so you can broaden your expertise in a new area or refresh your knowledge on a subject you are familiar with.

Host Our PD at Your Site
Apply for On-Site Cluster Training Professional Development Opportunities through our Intake Form! Interested in having PD on-site at your location? Fill out the form and we will contact you to discuss hosting PD at your site on a topic relevant to your staff.

Get Your PD Approved
Do you have PD you want to offer to your staff or to the community? You can apply to have your PD approved for RI! Click here to review the PD Approval Application and FAQs.

News from RIDE



RIELDS released new trainings for the winter semester. Classes will start in January. Check this webpage to see the new RIELDS PD.

  • In person sessions for the Instructional Cycle, Curriculum and Planning, and Programs courses will occur at the Center for Early Learning Professionals.
  • The Infant/Toddler Curriculum and Planning Course, and Programs for Administrators course will pilot in the Spring (April – June) quarter.
  • The self-paced RIELDS Guiding Principles and 9-Domains modules in English will officially launch in January. The revision of these modules required more work than anticipated, hence, the prolonged timeline for the official launch. We appreciate your patience and would urge enrollment in the virtual, synchronous cohorts in the meantime. The Spanish modules require professional translation and will be published in the near future.


RIDE Announces High Quality Curriculum Adoption Grants

The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) is excited to relaunch the High-Quality Curriculum Adoption Grant application. This grant opportunity is intended to support Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and licensed, Non-Public approved schools, and Community-Based Childcare programs with purchasing a RI Endorsed high-quality preschool/pre-Kindergarten curriculum, supporting materials, and resources of the chosen curriculum in combination with companion professional development for your administrative and teaching staff to implement the curriculum with integrity. This funding is for a condensed FY24 timeline; funds must be expended by June 30, 2024.

You may view the public posting of this grant opportunity on the RIDE Approved Pre-K Curriculum webpage.

Please email all applications to by 4:00 PM on Friday, December 15th, 2023, and reach out via email with any questions related to this opportunity.

Resources for You

  • The T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Program provides opportunities for early childhood educators to complete higher education course work in early childhood education while providing sponsoring childcare programs an opportunity to develop their workforce. Contact or 401-739-6101 for more information.
  • The Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) is accepting applications for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) for Child Care staff pilot. This is a one-year pilot offering CCAP benefits to subsidize the cost of child care for eligible early childhood educators and staff who work in a DHS licensed child care program. Applications will be accepted through July 31, 2024. See this DHS webpage for more information: CCAP for Child Care Staff Pilot | RI Department of Human Services.

PD in the Community

Try the iPD Portfolio from Head Start
The iPD Portfolio is a learning management system from Head Start that is open to educators in all child care settings. It has self-paced courses based on staff roles and interests. Click here to reach iPD.

One title of interest: Exploring Ways to Engage and Inspire School-age Children in Home-based Child Care. This course addresses the benefits of, and strategies for including school-age children in home-based child care (HBCC) settings. This training reflects concerns that providers identified about meeting the needs of older children while managing the care and education of their younger charges.

Self-Paced Online BRIDGE-RI Course Authored by University of Rhode Island
Alisa Baron PhD, CCC-SLP and Vanessa Harwood PhD, CCC-SLP from the University of Rhode Island have teamed up to create the third course in BRIDGE-RI for the Early Childhood Language and Literacy Development Series titled, “Early Language and Literacy Development during the Preschool Years: Applications for Early Childhood Educators”.
The series is intended to inform and support early learning providers and educators in their understanding of language development and literacy readiness in 0-5 year olds with the end goal of facilitating high quality education and academic success. For more information, contact Mary L. Spencer (

Business Practices for Out-of-School Time Child Care Webinar from National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment
This interactive webinar, hosted by the Office of Child Care’s National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE) and National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance (NCECQA), will highlight tips and resources to help child care providers serving school-age children build or enhance their business practices and create more sustainable Out-of-School Time (OST) programs. Select this web link to register for the webinar. Contact the NCASE team at with any questions.

News from Our Partners

Here are links to websites and newsletters from partners in early childhood education:

Check out LISC’s recent newsletter. 

Sign up for the newsletter from BrightStars. 

Visit the SEIU website.

Visit the RIAEYC website. 

Visit the DHS website.

Visit the RIDE website.

Share Your News and Calendar Events!

Do you have news for Tune-In Tuesday or calendar events that are relevant to the early childhood community of Rhode Island? You can share them through this form. (Center staff may edit your submission for clarity or decline to post any submission.)

Anuncios Destacados

12 de diciembre de 2023

¡Feliz martes sintonizado! Aqui tienes los anuncios destacados para la comunidad de educación temprana en Rhode Island. Este boletín incluye las siguientes secciones:

  • DP destacado del Center
  • Noticias de RIDE
  • Recursos para la comunidad de educación infantil
  • Novedades de nuestros socios

DP Destacado del Center

¡DP del invierno está por venir!
¡El desarrollo profesional (DP) del invierno del Center estará abierto para registración la semana del 18 de diciembre y las clases empezarán en enero! No te pierdas estas clases, y visita nuestro sitió web la semana entrante para ver todas las clases disponibles este invierno:

  • Ayudando a los Niños a Crecer y Aprender en su Guardería de Cuidado Infantil Familiar
  • Comprender el Impacto del Trauma en los Niños Pequeños

DP en tu horario
Tenemos desarrollo profesional grabado que puedes tomar cuando te conviene. Hay cursos sobre temas de importancia para educadores de bebes y niños pequeños. Puedes seguir creciendo en tu profesión y profundizar tu conocimiento en un area nuevo o revisar un tema que ya conoces.

Este enlace te lleva al DP del Center.

Noticias de RIDE

RIDE anunció nuevos entrenamientos de RIELDS. Los entrenamientos en español empezaran en enero y los puedes encontrar en esta página.

Recursos para Ti

  • El proyecto Jóvenes Matemáticos (YM) ha lanzado su propio canal de YouTube que presenta vídeos de juegos matemáticos para educadores y familias de niños de 3 a 6 años. Suscríbete a su canal, que tendrá más de 150 videos en español, inglés y portugués. El canal de YouTube de EDC también incluye una lista de reproducción de YM.
  • El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Rhode Island (DHS) está aceptando aplicaciones para el programa piloto de asistencia para cuidado infantil (CCAP) para el personal de cuidado infantil. Este es un programa piloto de un año que ofrece beneficios CCAP para subsidiar el costo del cuidado infantil para educadores y personal de educación infantil elegibles que trabajan en un programa de cuidado infantil con licencia del DHS. Se aceptarán solicitudes hasta el 31 de julio de 2024. Esta página de DHS tiene mas información: CCAP for Child Care Staff Pilot | RI Department of Human Services.

Novedades de Nuestros Socios

Aqui tienes enlaces a los sitios web o boletines de varios socios relacionados a la educación infantil:

Ve el nuevo boletín de LISC.

Visita el sitio web del SEIU.

Visita el sitio web de BrightStars.

Visita el sitio web de DHS.

Vista el sitio web de RIDE.
