Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Tune-In Tuesdays: Catch Up on Our News! / Martes sintonizados: ¡Ponte al día con nuestras noticias!

Weekly Highlights

En español abajo

January 28, 2025

Happy Tune-In Tuesday!

This issue includes the following sections:

  • Register for Winter PD!
  • Important Information about Your RISES, CELP, and ProSolutions Accounts
  • News from RIDE
    • Rhode Island Reads: 2024 Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant Application is Now Live!
    • Programs for Education Coordinators Course
  • News from DHS
    • Recorded RISES Workforce Tutorials
  • News from RIDOH
    • Free Testing for Lead in Drinking Water
  • Resources for You
  • Higher Education Pathways
  • Share your News and Calendar Events!

Register for Winter PD!

These PD offerings start soon!

An ITERS-3 Refresher for Administrators and Teachers – Online Series
This two-part series will provide administrators and teachers with a review of the key components of the Infant and Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-3) tool. Participants will refresh their understanding of key concepts, terms, and definitions in the tool, discuss strategies to prepare for a BrightStars ITERS assessment within their program, and ways to use the tool for program self-assessment and continuous quality improvement.
Thursdays, February 6th, and 20th from 6-8pm

Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Young Children – In Person Series
Painful and stressful experiences early in life can have a lasting effect on children’s growth and development. This series provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of these experiences on young children and introduces effective strategies for working with these children in a child care setting.
Tuesdays, February 25th, and March 11th, 25th from 6-8pm
Brown Fox Point, 150 Hope Street, Providence

Click here to see the full list of PD!

Important Information about Your RISES, CELP, and ProSolutions Accounts

Thank you for taking a moment to read through this important information about your RISES, CELP, and ProSolutions accounts. We are hopeful this answers any questions regarding external professional development, ProSolutions (Health & Safety), and recent emails sent to some early childhood professionals.
There are several systems to be aware of as the RISES Workforce Registry implementation continues.

  • First, it is important to ensure you have a RISES account if you do not have one yet. Instructions are below for those who need them.
  • Second, please input your RISES-issued Workforce ID into your CELP account exactly how the RISES system issued it to you. Instructions are included below for those who need them.
  • Third, the CELP and ProSolutions have shared guidance on ensuring your workforce ID is also included in your ProSolutions account. Please also confirm your last name matches between your ProSolutions account and your CELP account. This allows the health and safety PD (amongst other ProSolutions courses available to you) to transfer into your CELP account. Which then pushes to your RISES account.
    • Suggestion: copy and paste your workforce ID from your RISES account to enter it into the ProSolutions account.

If you have received an email from the CELP, please do not disregard an email communication from the CELP ( as these emails are to alert you if we have found an error that prevented a successful data push and we want to help correct this so we can get your data into the system. ProSolutions data will be managed automatically between the CELP and ProSolutions systems and should NOT be entered into the external professional development submission via the CELP application system.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the CELP Infoline at or call 401-736-9020. We appreciate your patience with this new process.  Once this is done, you should not have to do it again as the systems will be able to verify using your unique workforce ID and additional identifiers, including account last name.

You can read more information about your RISES, CELP, and ProSolutions accounts here.

News from RIDE

Rhode Island Reads:
2024 Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant Application is Now Live!

RIDE recently received a $40 million federal grant to improve literacy outcomes for RI students, birth through grade twelve. The grant will focus on developing literacy coaching structures, strengthening partnerships with educator preparation programs, and reimagining systems for multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS).

RI local education agencies (LEAs) and community based organizations (CBOs) are encouraged to review the goals of the grant and the scope of work overview. The grant is divided into three divisions: Birth-PK, Elementary (K-5), and Secondary (6-12). Please reach out to with any questions, or requests for additional information.

More information and application materials can be found here: Rhode Island Reads: 2024 Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant | RI Department of Education. The application is due by February 28, 2025 at 4pm.

News from RIDE

Programs for Education Coordinators Course

This course will be held in Cranston on Mondays from 4-6 on the following dates: 2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/31, 4/21, 5/5, 5/19, 6/2.

If you are interested in joining this cohort, or not sure if you have the prerequisites for the course, please contact Elaine Remillard at

News from DHS

Recorded RISES Workforce Tutorials

If you need to create your RISES Workforce Registry account and/or need to associate with either a Center- or Family- Child Care provider, please take a moment to view the recorded tutorials on the DHS website to help you along the way! The tutorials are available in English and Spanish. You can find these tutorials and other resources by visiting Rhode Island Start Early System (RISES) | RI Department of Human Services site.

Free Testing for Lead in Drinking Water

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is encouraging licensed child care facilities to sign up to have their drinking water tested for lead for free. This is part of an ongoing effort to  identify and address sources of possible lead exposure. Child care facilities are required to test their drinking water when they are first licensed, but conditions in the water and plumbing can change over time. Right now, child care facilities can sign up to have their water sampled and tested for free. Along with the test results, RIDOH will provide guidance for how to lower lead levels in water or keep them low. Child care facilities can email to get started today. Servicios disponibles en español.


Resources for You

New! From Children’s Bureau Learning and Coordination Center

New! From New America

New! From UNC

From the National Afterschool Association

From Build Initiative

From the Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University

New! From the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning

From the Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University

From the FDA

From Early Learning Nation

From the National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety

Higher Education Pathways

Registered Apprenticeship Program: Rhode Island Early Childhood Registered Apprenticeship Application. Apprenticeships begin: January 2025. For more information click here to see the flyer.  You can also contact RIAEYC: or 401-739-6100.


T.E.A.C.H. Program: Click here to learn about the T.E.A.C.H. program. You can learn more about scheduling an information session and the benefits of sponsoring a T.E.A.C.H. scholar here.


Rhode Island College: Enrollment is Open for the Rhode Island College Infant Toddler Certificate of Undergraduate Studies. Classes begin January 2025.


  • Must work a minimum of 25 hours a week in a DHS Licensed and CCAP-approved program. Infant Toddler Teachers will have priority enrollment
  • All classes are offered in the evening in a hybrid format, with some sessions meeting face-to-face and some meeting online
  • Complete the TEACH scholarship Application form
  • Check out the flyer
  • Contact Dr. Leslie Sevey at (Grant manager), or Cristina Reyes at (Project coordinator) for more information and to obtain the application


Community College of Rhode IslandCCRI Early Childhood Education Program Pathways: Learn more about the opportunities CCRI has designed to help students prepare for admission into formal teacher certification programs and other opportunities for success in teaching. A few options included on that CCRI Early Childhood Education Program pathways page are below, take a moment to pause and explore!

Share Your News and Calendar Events!

Do you have news for Tune-In Tuesday or calendar events that are relevant to the early childhood community of Rhode Island? You can share them through this form. (Center staff may edit your submission for clarity or decline to post any submission.)

Anuncios Destacados

28 de enero de 2025

¡Feliz martes sintonizado!

Este boletín incluye las siguientes secciones:

  • ¡Es tiempo de registrarte para DP del invierno!
  • Información importante sobre tus cuenta con RISES, CELP, y ProSolutions
  • Noticias de DHS
    • Tutoriales grabados para el registro de fuerza laboral RISES
  • Noticias de RIDOH
    •  Pruebas gratuitas de detección de plomo en el agua potable
  • Recursos para ti
  • Recursos de nuestros socios

¡Es tiempo de registrarte para DP del invierno!


Este invierno tendremos nuevos cursos como:

Una introducción a la evaluación preescolar: Observación y documentación – En persona
Esta serie brindará a los maestros una introducción a los aspectos prácticos de la evaluación infantil: los diferentes tipos y propósitos de la evaluación, el importante papel de la evaluación en el apoyo al desarrollo de los niños y las mejores prácticas para realizar evaluaciones.
Jueves, 6, 13, y 20 de marzo de 6:00pm – 8:00pm – En la SEIU: 319 Broadway, Providence

Haz clic aquí para ver todo nuestro desarrollo profesional.

Información importante sobre tus cuenta con RISES, CELP, y ProSolutions

Gracias por tomarte un momento para leer este comunicado importante sobre tus cuentas con RISES, CELP y ProSolutions. Esperamos que esto aclare cualquier pregunta que tengas con respecto al desarrollo profesional externo, ProSolutions (Salud y Seguridad) y los correos electrónicos recientes enviados a algunos profesionales de la primera infancia.

Hay varios sistemas que se deben tener en cuenta a medida que continúa la implementación del Registro de personal de RISES.

  • En primer lugar, es importante asegurarse de tener una cuenta RISES si aún no tienes una. A continuación, encontrarás instrucciones para quienes las necesiten.
  • En segundo lugar, ingresa tu ID de fuerza laboral emitida por RISES en tu cuenta CELP exactamente como la emitió el sistema RISES. A continuación, se incluyen instrucciones para quienes las necesiten.
  • En tercer lugar, CELP y ProSolutions han compartido una guía para garantizar que tu ID de fuerza laboral también esté incluida en tu cuenta ProSolutions. Confirma también que tu apellido coincida entre tu cuenta en ProSolutions y tu cuenta en CELP. Esto permite que el desarrollo profesional de salud y seguridad (entre otros cursos de ProSolutions) se transfiera a tu cuenta CELP. Que luego se envía a tu cuenta RISES.
    • Sugerencia: copia y pega tu ID de fuerza laboral de tu cuenta RISES para ingresarla en la cuenta ProSolutions.

Si has recibido un correo electrónico del CELP, no ignores la comunicación por correo electrónico del CELP (, ya que estos correos electrónicos son para alertarte si hemos encontrado un error que impidió que se enviaran los datos correctamente y queremos ayudar a corregirlo para que podamos ingresar tusdatos al sistema. Los datos de ProSolutions se gestionarán automáticamente entre el CELP y los sistemas de ProSolutions y NO deben ingresarse en el envío de desarrollo profesional externo a través del sistema de solicitud del CELP.

Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en comunicarte con la línea de información de CELP a o llama al 401-736-9020. Agradecemos tu paciencia con este nuevo proceso. Una vez que esto esté hecho, no deberías tener que hacerlo nuevamente, ya que los sistemas podrán verificar usando tu ID de fuerza laboral única e identificadores adicionales, incluido el apellido en la cuenta.

Haz clic en este enlace para ver mas información sobre tus cuentas en RISES, CELP, y ProSolutions.

Noticias de DHS

Tutoriales grabados para el registro de fuerza laboral RISES

Si necesita crear su cuenta de Registro de personal de RISES o necesita asociarse con un proveedor de cuidado infantil familiar o de un centro, tómese un momento para ver los tutoriales grabados en el sitio web del DHS para ayudarlo en el proceso. Los tutoriales están disponibles en inglés y español. Puede encontrar estos tutoriales y otros recursos visitando el sitio Rhode Island Start Early System (RISES) | RI Department of Human Services.


Noticias de RIDOH:

Pruebas gratuitas de detección de plomo en el agua potable

El Departamento de Salud de Rhode Island (RIDOH) está alentando a las guarderías con licencia a registrarse para hacerle gratis la prueba de plomo al agua potable de la guardería. Esto forma parte de un esfuerzo continuo para identificar y abordar las fuentes de posible exposición al plomo. Las guarderías están obligadas a analizar el agua potable cuando obtienen la licencia por primera vez, pero las condiciones del agua y las tuberías pueden cambiar con el tiempo. En este momento, las guarderías pueden registrarse para hacerle gratis la prueba al agua. Junto con los resultados de la prueba, el RIDOH proporcionará orientación sobre cómo reducir los niveles de plomo en el agua o mantenerlos bajos. Las guarderías pueden enviar un correo electrónico a para comenzar hoy mismo. Servicios Disponibles es español.

Recursos para ti

íNuevo! Del ECPL – Early Childhood Professional Learning


Del Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University


Recursos de nuestros socios

CCRI: Esta aceptando aplicaciones para el Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil (CDA). Puede ver mas información aquí y puede ver el sitio web aquí.

De RIAIMHPráctica reflexiva en el contexto de la cultura y el lenguaje: Levantando la comunidad es un aprendizaje colaborativo intensivo que explora las dimensiones de la salud mental infantil y de la primera infancia en las comunidades latinoamericanas. Empieza en enero y la registración está limitada a 20 participantes.

La Administration for Children & Families tiene un nuevo Marco de sistemas para apoyar el aprendizaje de dos idiomas en entornos de educación y atención temprana.

El Genesis Center esta ofreciendo un curso gratis de ingles para proveedores de cuidado de niños. Curso gratis de inglés para proveedores de cuidado de niños del Genesis Center / Free English Class for Home Childcare Providers from the Genesis Center – Center for Early Learning Professionals ( Para mas información y como aplicar: visite o envié un correo: &; tel: (401) 781-6110.
