Center for Early Learning Professionals

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Tune-In Tuesdays: Catch Up on Our News! / Martes sintonizados: ¡Ponte al día con nuestras noticias!

Weekly Highlights

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September 17, 2024

Happy Tune-In Tuesday!

This issue includes the following sections:

  • Register for Fall PD!
  • CELP Site Update Announcement – External PD Submission Feature is Here!
  • News from DHS
    • Child Care Licensing Update
    • RISES Enhancements & Updates
  • News from RIDE
    • Conscious Discipline Training Opportunity
    • RIDE Receives $40 Million in CLSD Funding
    • New Online BRIDGE-RI Multilingual Learner Course from RIDE and URI
    • RIELDS Fall 2024 Course Schedule
  • PD in the Community
  • Resources for You
  • Share your News and Calendar Events!

Register for Fall PD!


Fall PD opportunities will begin at the end of the month. The Fall calendar is full of new offerings that will help you learn new skills and have the best year yet.

These offerings start next week!

An ITERS-3 Refresher for Administrators and TeachersIn-person at Scribbles Academy, Johnston
This 2-part series will provide an overview of the important terms and components of the ITERS-3. It is meant to provide program administrators and teachers with a refresher on the tool, how to best use it for program improvement, and prepare for a high-stakes ITERS observation.

Early Care and Education Leader Community of Practice – In Person at CELP
The goal of these community of practice is to create a supportive environment for leaders in early care and education to share ideas, problem-solve, and deepen their understanding of leadership.

Click the link below to see the full list of PD!

Register for PD

CELP Site Update Announcement – External PD Submission Feature is Here!

The external Professional Development feature on the CELP site is ready so you can now submit your training verification electronically! As a recap, our CELP site has been “communicating” with the RISES Workforce Registry system to push PD hours earned via completed CELP developed PD courses into your RISES Workforce Registry account. This happens through 1) verifying a matching unique identifier – your Workforce Registry ID and 2) a thoroughly tested “communication” between the CELP site and the RISES system. If you haven’t already set up your RISES account AND added your workforce ID into both your CELP account and ProSolutions (Health & Safety courses), please take a moment to do so. This will allow your data to transfer to RISES. Here is the link to create your RISES account: Register | Rhode Island Start Early System (RISES) (

The CELP team has created self-help supports for you to reference if needed:

If you need any assistance you can reach the CELP team at: or 401-736-9020.

We recommend organizing your most recent external PD/training verification information (including certificates). This will make the process easier. The external PD referenced is 1) not CELP PD and, 2) not the 18-hour health and safety courses issued by ProSolutions, nor the other approved ProSolutions PD. Those completed courses from ProSolutions can be pushed into your CELP account IF you have entered your Workforce ID into your ProSolutions AND your CELP accounts. Therefore, do not submit Health and Safety or PD you have completed that is issued by ProSolutions. This process meets the same standards as the current training verification protocols for approved hours. This new process of submitting external PD details via your CELP account will enable you to track PD information and hours in your RISES account.

For trainers and organizations, the process for seeking approval to offer a PD has NOT changed. Please view the details on the CELP website under ‘For Trainers and Organizations – PD Approval Application’: Get Your PD Approved – Center for Early Learning Professionals (

We recognize this is a change in the process for the CELP team and for you all of you as well. We are here to help and support each of you with this growth opportunity. We appreciate your patience as we worked tirelessly to get this feature built, tested and ready for our wonderful early childhood, Pre-K and school age professionals!

News from DHS:

Child Care Licensing Update

We hope you have had a wonderful summer. As we transition into fall and the new school year, we wanted to provide you with some reminders. In addition, stay tuned in the coming days as we will be sending out an invite for the fall All-provider meeting.

  • Per federal requirements, all providers, both new and current, must have a copy of your programs Emergency Preparedness Plan in your licensing record. This plan must be completed using the Emergency Plan Template document found on the DHS website. This document can be used in addition to a larger emergency preparedness plan you may have but must be included using the actual form itself. Having this form ensures that we (as the licensing agency) and you (as the provider) are meeting all the criteria outlined by our federal funders for developing and implementing a plan to specific emergencies. Many of you have already included this form in new or renewal applications. If you have not completed this form previously, you will be required to do so with your next renewal.
    • As a reminder, this website has copies of many DHS Child Care templates, forms, links, etc., and is a great resource for you and your program.
  • Any new regulations can also be found on the DHS website. Please ensure that you have the newest regulations for your program downloaded and provided to your staff. Child care licensing regulations (as well as any other DHS related regulations) can be found here.
  • This time of year, as you have new staff starting and new children enrolling, is a great time to do a review of your staff and child files. This is a particularly great time of year for staff files because we are about 4 months away from transitioning into the RISES system as our licensing system of record and having all of your staff’s updated information in the workforce registry will save you a lot of time and energy for future monitoring visits and once the system becomes mandatory in the winter.
    • We are available to support you! If you have any questions about RISES, getting your staff into RISES, or anything related to the system at all, please reach out!
  • Lastly, we acknowledge that there has been a delay in receiving mail from the office over the last few months. As a reminder, you are required by regulations to have an up-to-date license posted at all times in your program. It is your responsibility to reach out if you did not receive a license in a timely manner and we will scan you a copy in the interim. We do not know you haven’t received it if you do not reach out – if during a monitoring visit, one is not posted or is not up to date, you will still be considered non-compliant.
  • This problem will rectify itself in the coming months with RISES, but in the meantime please let us know ASAP if you do not have a current, valid license.

If you have any questions please contact your assigned licensor or our general child care email at at any time. Thank you so much for your hard work caring for Rhode Island’s children.

The Office of Child Care – Licensing Team

News from DHS:
RISES Enhancements & Updates


Providers and Educators,

We are excited to announce that, based on your feedback, more enhancements have been made to the RISES system:

  • For those of you who are in a Supervisory role at multiple locations, a new Job Type has been added to the employment options – Multi-site Supervisor. This role is a regulatory role and will have to be approved for association by DHS. This role has the same permissions in the system as a Director/Administrator.
  • Any staff member who is under the age of 18 will no longer be asked for a comprehensive background check in order to complete their profile. The system will remind both the educator and the provider about the need to get this background check completed 30 days prior to the educator’s 18th birthday.
  • The role of Educator Coordinator has been changed to a regulatory role, requiring DHS approval and giving this role permissions to manage staff within the system.

We hope that by continuing to make these improvements, this will make it easier for all members of the workforce to create their RISES account and associate with their current employer. Please remember, that it is incredibly important to ensure that every RISES account is associated to a licensed provider within the system (if the person is currently employed). We currently have over 4200 people registered within the system, but less than half are currently associated with their employer.  As a reminder, here are the steps to take in order to associate with your current employer:

  1. Log into RISES.
  2. Click “My Profile.”
  3. Scroll down to the “Employment” section.
  4. Click “Add Employment.”
  5. Select your employer from the drop-down list (begin typing the name of your employer and the list will appear).
  6. Ensure the address for the employer is the correct address for your program.
  7. Click the “Current Employer” check-box.
  8. This will send a notification to your employer (and/or DHS for regulatory roles) requesting they approve your association.

We would like to continue to emphasize that completing this now will make future releases much easier and provide you with a system that saves a ton of time in the future! If you have any questions at all, there is a help desk ticket system within RISES that can provide you with immediate assistance.
Thanks so much for all of your work to make this successful!

Nicole Chiello
Assistant Director, Office of Child Care, DHS

News from RIDE:
Conscious Discipline® Training Opportunity

The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) is offering a state-wide, grant-funded opportunity for 150 preschool educators/providers to participate in a cohort of professional development (PD) in Conscious Discipline®, a social-emotional program: []. This PD promotes evidence-based practices that support social-emotional learning and literacy readiness. The training involves watching online videos and participating in 10 Zoom sessions with certified Conscious Discipline trainers.  We are pleased to share that the trainers happen to be Rhode Islanders! They are, Cristen Sassi and Chrissy Johansen.

This training is being offered to preschool educators/providers including:
—ECSE Classroom Teachers – Integrated
—ECSE Classroom Teachers – Self-Contained
—General EC Classroom Teachers
—Itinerant (IECSE) Teachers
—ECSE Therapists
—ECSE Coordinators
—SPED Directors
—General EC Coordinators/Directors

—Preschool Teaching Assistants

Application Link: []

Due Date: October 4, 2024

For more information about this opportunity, please contact Meg Hassan:

News from RIDE:

RIDE Receives $40 Million in CLSD Funding

In an effort to support high-quality literacy instruction to build strong readers, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressmen Seth Magaziner and Gabe Amo today joined Governor Dan McKee and Education Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green in announcing that the Ocean State will receive a new Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) grant providing a projected $40 million over the next five years. Click here to read more: Rhode Island Scores $40 Million Federal Grant to Improve Literacy | RI Department of Education.

News from RIDE:

New Online BRIDGE-RI Multilingual Learner Course from RIDE and URI


New Online BRIDGE-RI Multilingual Learner Course for Early Learning Professionals and Educators
Link to enroll:
Alisa Baron PhD, CCC-SLP and Vanessa Harwood PhD, CCC-SLP from URI have teamed up to create the fourth course in BRIDGE-RI for the Early Childhood Language and Literacy Development Series titled, “Screening and Assessment Practices During the Preschool Years: Identifying Reading Readiness”.
In this self-paced course, participants will gain the knowledge to effectively identify, administer, and interpret several high-quality screening tools used to measure language and literacy performance in young children. They will also learn about authentic assessment practices that provide naturalistic measurements of a child’s skill set in the context of the classroom. This course includes videos that model accurate administration of the Preschool Early Literacy Indicators (PELI), the EarlyBird Screening Application, and authentic assessment practices. Considerations for assessment practices with multilingual learners (MLLs) will also be addressed. Finally, recommendations are included on how to partner with parents and school teams to address concerns identified during the screening process.

  • Prerequisite: There are no prerequisites for this course, however, it is recommended participants complete Courses 1 and 2.
  •  Create an account and join us for this interactive and informative course that will help you to better understand language development in multilingual learners.

To clarify some provider questions in the past, this series is built to complement, not supplement, any Science of Reading training that you/your staff may have had and digs deeper into practical applications for supporting early childhood language and literacy instruction. The courses are aligned with the 2023 RIELDS and the Early Learning Curriculum Framework and are approved PDs through the Center for Early Learning Professionals.

News from RIDE:
RIELDS Fall Courses

RIELDS courses for the Fall are scheduled and available to view on the CELP website. Trainings are being added to the calendar regularly – and you can find the descriptions of all the courses can be found by visiting RIDE – Instruction Assessment – ECE- Workforce.

For questions related to RIELDS Professional Development, or with assistance registering please contact Elaine Remillard, Professional Development Coordinator at

View the Training Schedule for Fall 2024 


PD in the Community

New!  From RIAIMH: 

From SUCCESS and DHS: Foundations of Reflective Supervision for Early Care and Education Professionals; a free PD series for supervising professionals. Registration for this program is limited and will close on September 17, 2024.The PD will be held on October 1st and 8th, 2024 from 9:00am – 1:00pm on Zoom.

From Early Childhood Investigations: 

From the National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety

Resources for You

New! From the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading: Ready, Set, Go (Part 2): Realizing the Potential of Out-of-School Time to Deliver High-Quality Programming for Early Learners and Their Parents – September 24, 1-2:30 p.m.

New! From the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health: Free Webinar: Addressing Suspension and Expulsion in Early Childhood Education Settings: An IECMH-Informed Approach.

New! From Head Start/ECLKC: Pertussis (Whooping Cough) | ECLKC ( Learn the facts about pertussis, how to prevent it, and what to do if someone in your program has it.

New! From Head Start/ECLKC How Children Respond to Stress and Trauma. This resource helps families and Head Start staff understand the effects of stress and trauma, so children can get the support and care they need to cope.

New! From Head Start/ECLKC: Mindfulness Practices with Children. Join the Sesame Street Muppets as they lead you in five mindfulness practices to help children and staff feel happier, healthier, and more in control. Listen along to practice whole-body listening, self-love, noticing, deep breathing, and body scans. The Guide to Using Sesame Street’s Mindfulness Practices includes step-by-step instructions to help you use these podcasts in program settings or with families.

New! From EdSurge: To Be Ready for Kindergarten, Teachers and Researchers Say Social-Emotional Skills Are Key | EdSurge News. Kindergarten teachers are finding it more challenging to address gaps in social-emotional and fine motor skills in young students, which have worsened since the pandemic. Educators emphasize the importance of these skills over academic abilities for a child’s success in kindergarten and beyond.

New! From the DaSy Center: Ensuring Access and Positive Outcomes for All Young Children: Using Data to Understand and Eliminate the Use of Exclusionary Discipline Practices ( This guide provides cross-sector teams with strategies for collecting and using data across the mixed delivery system of early care and education programs. Collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data can help inform teams to develop policy and practices that will eliminate exclusionary practices, provide the workforce with needed resources and support, and promote improved outcomes for young children and their families.

From BrightStars: Tipping the Scales Volume 2 Issue 8: ERS FAQ

Children’s Safety Network (CSN) September Newsletter

HBHS Resource List 9-24 ( from the Office of Head Start

Information about the T.E.A.C.H program: There’s still time to check out the T.E.A.C.H program as we near the Fall semester, Learn more about scheduling an info session and the benefits of sponsoring a T.E.A.C.H scholar!

Resources for Implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Schools from the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) program at EDC.

Share Your News and Calendar Events!

Do you have news for Tune-In Tuesday or calendar events that are relevant to the early childhood community of Rhode Island? You can share them through this form. (Center staff may edit your submission for clarity or decline to post any submission.)

Anuncios Destacados

17 de septiembre de 2024

¡Feliz martes sintonizado!

Este boletín incluye las siguientes secciones:

  • ¡Regístrate para DP del otoño!
  • Anuncio de actualización del sitio CELP – ¡La función para ingresar DP externo ya está disponible!
  • Noticias de DHS
    • Actualización de Licencias de Cuidado Infantil
    • Mejoras y actualizaciones de RISES
  • Noticias de RIDE
    • RIELDS del otoño ya están disponibles
  • Recursos para ti
  • Recursos de nuestros socios

¡Regístrate para DP del otoño!


Las oportunidades de desarrollo profesional de otoño comenzarán a finales de mes. El calendario de otoño está lleno de clases que te ayudarán a aprender nuevas habilidades y tener un año fabuloso.

Una introducción al autismo, la integración sensorial y la fuga – Serie en Línea
Únase al Autism Project para una serie importante de dos sesiones para todos los educadores, administradores y proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar. Esta serie comenzará con una descripción general de información actualizada sobre las características del desarrollo neurológico del autismo.

Cuidado Sensitivo: Apoyando las Necesidades de Bebés y Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Esta serie fundacional presenta un enfoque basado en investigaciones para el cuidado de bebés y niños pequeños que se centra en el desarrollo social y emocional como base de todo crecimiento y desarrollo.

Comprender el Impacto del Trauma en los Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Las experiencias dolorosas y estresantes en las primeras etapas de la vida pueden tener un efecto duradero en el crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños. Esta serie proporciona una descripción general completa del impacto de estas experiencias en los niños pequeños e introduce estrategias efectivas para trabajar con estos niños en un entorno de cuidado infantil.

Ayudando a los Niños a Crecer y Aprender en su Guardería de Cuidado Infantil Familiar – Serie en línea
Esta serie ofrece una visión general de varias de las regulaciones de DHS relacionadas al cuidado y la educación infantil ofrecida dentro del cuidado infantil familiar.

Haz clic en el enlace abajo para ver todo nuestro desarrollo profesional.

Regístrate para DP

Anuncio de actualización del sitio CELP – ¡La función para ingresar DP externo ya está disponible! 

La función de Desarrollo Profesional externo en el sitio CELP está lista para que ahora pueda ingresar su verificación de capacitación electrónicamente! En resumen, nuestro sitio CELP se ha estado “comunicando” con el sistema RISES para transferir las horas de desarrollo profesional obtenidas a través de cursos de desarrollo profesional desarrollados por CELP en su cuenta de RISES. Esto sucede a través de 1) verificar un identificador único coincidente: su ID de Registro de Fuerza Laboral y 2) una “comunicación” exhaustivamente probada entre el sitio CELP y el sistema RISES. Si aún no configuró su cuenta RISES Y agregó su identificación de fuerza laboral l tanto en su cuenta CELP como en ProSolutions (cursos de salud y seguridad), tómese un momento para hacerlo. Esto permitirá que sus datos se transfieran a RISES. Aquí está el enlace para crear su cuenta RISES: Register | Rhode Island Start Early System (RISES) (

El equipo CELP ha creado apoyos de autoayuda para que usted pueda consultarlos si es necesario:

Si necesita mas ayuda, se puede comunicar con nosotros en: o 401-736-9020.

Recomendamos organizar su información de verificación de capacitación/DP externa más reciente (incluso los certificados). Esto facilitará el proceso. El DP externo al que se hace referencia 1) no es el PD del CELP y, 2) no es el curso de salud y seguridad de 18 horas emitido por ProSolutions, ni el otro DP aprobado de ProSolutions. Este proceso cumple con los mismos estándares que los protocolos actuales de verificación de capacitación por horas aprobadas. Este nuevo proceso de envío de detalles de DP externos a través de su cuenta CELP le permitirá realizar un seguimiento de la información y las horas de DP en su cuenta RISES.

Para los formadores y las organizaciones, el proceso de aprobación para ofrecer DP NO ha cambiado. Consulte los detalles en el sitio web de CELP en ‘For Trainers and Organizations – PD Approval Application’: Get Your PD Approved – Center for Early Learning Professionals (

Noticias de DHS:

Actualización de Licencias de Cuidado Infantil

Estimados proveedores valiosos,

Esperamos que hayáis tenido un verano maravilloso. A medida que nos adentramos en el otoño y el nuevo año escolar, queríamos brindarles algunos recordatorios. Además, estén atentos en los próximos días, ya que enviaremos una invitación para la reunión de todos los proveedores de otoño.

  • De acuerdo con los requisitos federales, todos los proveedores, tanto nuevos como actuales, deben tener una copia del Plan de Preparación para Emergencias de su programa en su registro de licencia. Este plan debe completarse utilizando el documento de Plantilla de Plan de Emergencia que se encuentra en el sitio web del DHS. Este documento se puede usar además de un plan de preparación para emergencias más grande que pueda tener, pero debe incluirse utilizando el formulario real en sí. Tener este formulario garantiza que nosotros (como agencia de licencias) y usted (como proveedor) cumplimos con todos los criterios descritos por nuestros financiadores federales para desarrollar e implementar un plan para emergencias específicas. Muchos de ustedes ya han incluido este formulario en solicitudes nuevas o de renovación. Si no ha completado este formulario anteriormente, se le pedirá que lo haga en su próxima renovación.
    • Como recordatorio, este sitio web tiene copias de muchas plantillas, formularios, enlaces, etc. de Cuidado Infantil del DHS, y es un gran recurso para usted y su programa.
  • Cualquier nueva regulación también se puede encontrar en el sitio web del DHS. Asegúrese de tener las regulaciones más recientes para su programa descargadas y proporcionadas a su personal. Las regulaciones de licencias de cuidado infantil (así como cualquier otra regulación relacionada con el DHS) se pueden encontrar aquí.
  • Esta época del año, ya que hay nuevo personal que comienza y nuevos niños que se inscriben, es un buen momento para hacer una revisión de los archivos de su personal y niños. Esta es una época del año particularmente buena para los archivos del personal porque estamos a unos 4 meses de la transición al sistema RIES, ya que nuestro sistema de registro de licencias y tener toda la información actualizada de su personal en el registro de la fuerza laboral le ahorrará mucho tiempo y energía para futuras visitas de monitoreo y una vez que el sistema sea obligatorio en el invierno.
    • ¡Estamos disponibles para apoyarte! Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre RISES, cómo conseguir que su personal participe en RISES, o cualquier cosa relacionada con el sistema, ¡póngase en contacto con nosotros!
  • Por último, reconocemos que ha habido un retraso en la recepción de correo de la oficina en los últimos meses. Como recordatorio, las regulaciones le exigen tener una licencia actualizada publicada en todo momento en su programa. Es su responsabilidad ponerse en contacto con nosotros si no recibió una licencia de manera oportuna y le escanearemos una copia mientras tanto. No sabemos si no lo ha recibido si no se comunica: si durante una visita de monitoreo, no se publica uno o no está actualizado, aún se le considerará incumplidor.
  • Este problema se rectificará en los próximos meses con RISES, pero mientras tanto, háganoslo saber lo antes posible si no tiene una licencia válida y vigente.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con su licenciante asignado o con nuestro correo electrónico general de cuidado infantil en en cualquier momento. Muchas gracias por su arduo trabajo cuidando a los niños de Rhode Island.

La Oficina de Cuidado Infantil – Equipo de Licencias

Noticias de DHS:
Mejoras y actualizaciones de RISES

Proveedores y educadores,


Nos complace anunciar que, en base a sus comentarios, se han realizado más mejoras en el sistema RISES:


  • Para aquellos de ustedes que tienen un rol de supervisión en varias ubicaciones, se ha agregado un nuevo tipo de trabajo a las opciones de empleo: Supervisor de múltiples sitios. Esta función es una función reguladora y tendrá que ser aprobada para su asociación por el DHS. Este rol tiene los mismos permisos en el sistema que un Director/Administrador.
  • A cualquier miembro del personal menor de 18 años ya no se le pedirá una verificación de antecedentes completa para completar su perfil. El sistema le recordará tanto al educador como al proveedor sobre la necesidad de completar esta verificación de antecedentes 30 días antes de que el educador cumpla 18 años.
  • El rol del Coordinador de Educadores se ha cambiado a un rol regulatorio, requiriendo la aprobación del DHS y otorgando a este rol permisos para administrar el personal dentro del sistema.


Esperamos que al continuar realizando estas mejoras, sea más fácil para todos los miembros de la fuerza laboral crear su cuenta RISES y asociarse con su empleador actual. Recuerde que es increíblemente importante asegurarse de que cada cuenta de RISES esté asociada a un proveedor autorizado dentro del sistema (si la persona está empleada actualmente). Actualmente tenemos más de 4200 personas registradas dentro del sistema, pero menos de la mitad están asociadas con su empleador.  Como recordatorio, estos son los pasos a seguir para asociarse con su empleador actual:


  1. Inicie sesión en RISES.
  2. Haz clic en “Mi perfil”.
  3. Desplázate hacia abajo hasta la sección “Empleo”.
  4. Haga clic en “Agregar empleo”.
  5. Seleccione su empleador de la lista desplegable (comience a escribir el nombre de su empleador y aparecerá la lista).
  6. Asegúrese de que la dirección del empleador sea la dirección correcta para su programa.
  7. Haga clic en la casilla de verificación “Empleador actual”.
  8. Esto enviará una notificación a su empleador (y/o al DHS para las funciones regulatorias) solicitando que aprueben su asociación.


Nos gustaría seguir enfatizando que completar esto ahora hará que las versiones futuras sean mucho más fáciles y le proporcionará un sistema que ahorrará mucho tiempo en el futuro. Si tiene alguna pregunta, hay un sistema de tickets de mesa de ayuda dentro de RISES que puede brindarle asistencia inmediata.


¡Muchas gracias por todo su trabajo para que esto sea un éxito!



Nicole Chiello

Subdirector, Oficina de Cuidado Infantil, DHS

Noticias de RIDE:

RIELDS del otoño


Se puede registrar para los cursos RIELDS autoguiados. Visite RIELDS PD – Center for Early Learning Professionals ( Acuérdese que, con la creación  del nuevo sistema RISES, todos deberán crear una cuenta RISES (que puede vincularse a su perfil CELP existente) para registrarse en el aprendizaje profesional. Haga clic aquí para obtener una guía sobre cómo hacer esto. A continuación se detallan los cursos disponibles para inscripción:

  • Guiding Principles (Principios Rectores) (Virtual, Zoom)
    • En marcha: Autoguiado, en línea en español
  • 9-Dominios (Virtual, Zoom)
    • En marcha: Autoguiado, en línea en español

Recursos para ti

  • ¡Nuevo! De Head Start/ECLKC: Prácticas de atención plena con niños | ECLKC ( Únase a los Muppets de Barrio Sésamo mientras lo guían en cinco prácticas de atención plena para ayudar a los niños y al personal a sentirse más felices, más saludables y con mayor control.
  • Llamada en español con Strategies for Children un miércoles por mes a las 6:30pm para construir una comunidad y servir como un lugar único para compartir información, desarrollar conocimientos, establecer contactos, actualizaciones políticas y de políticas y apoyo moral para el campo.
  • De STEMIE: Recursos para educación sobre ciencias naturales, matemáticas, ingeniería en inglés y español, para niños pequeños con discapacidades: STEMIE | (

Recursos de nuestros socios
