Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

teacher with students

Summer Professional Development is Here!

The Center has released a new line-up of online PD opportunities for all early learning professionals — administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, and family child care providers. Classes begin on June 23rd!

For Administrators
3-D PD: Data, Design, and Delivery
Do you want to improve your program’s system for supporting staff professional development? Using program self-assessment strategies and an in-depth review of high-quality PD resources, this series will help administrators develop and strengthen their program’s comprehensive system for Program-level Professional Development.

Strengthening Business Practices: A Series for Administrators
Build your business acumen with this PD offering for center-based administrators. This series will support administrators in strengthening their foundational knowledge of business practices in the areas of finance, marketing, and human resource management.

Using the CLASS® PreK to Improve Program Quality
Help staff to improve their interactions with children during every moment of the day. Directors, education coordinators, and supervisors will learn all about the CLASS® PreK assessment tool and best ways to assess the quality of teaching practices in their program.

PD for All Early Childhood Professionals

Supporting Social and Emotional Development: The Preschool Years
Build your understanding of social and emotional development in young children with this 3-session series. Learn how to build relationships, create nurturing environments, foster self-esteem and positive social behavior, and promote problem solving skills.

Mind in the Making (Offered in Spanish)
This series explores three essential life skills that all children need in order to be successful in school and in life: Focus and Self Control, Perspective Taking, and Communication.  This offering is developed from the larger professional development program called Mind in the Making of the Bezos Family Foundation.

Helping Children Grow and Learn in Your Family Child Care Home (Offered in both English and Spanish)
This multi-session series provides an overview of several DHS regulations for family childcare settings. Sessions will examine the regulations related to communication with families, daily schedules and routines, planning and implementation of curricular activities, and behavior management.

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