Center for Early Learning Professionals

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Spotlight on Dual Language Learner Resources / Enfoque en recursos para niños que aprenden en dos idiomas

En español abajo

Join the Office of Head Start (OHS), the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL), and the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) for a celebration of the sixth annual Dual Language Learner (DLL) Celebration Week!

From Zero to Three: How Can Early Childhood Educators Support Bilingual Language Learners?

From Head Start: Multicultural Principles for Early Childhood Leaders

Multilingual Learning Toolkit website which is the result of a collaborative effort led by Early Edge California in support of young Multilingual Learners in PreK-3rd Grade that includes researchers, practitioners, advocacy organizations, state agencies, and philanthropic organizations from California and across the nation. Create an account to access the free resources.

Check out these resources showcased during DLL Celebration Week, available in multiple languages:

Explore related resources on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) to learn more.


Unete a la oficina de Head Start (OHS), el National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL), y el National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) para una celebración de la sexta Semana de celebración de los niños que aprenden en dos idiomas.

De Head Start: Principios multiculturales para los líderes de la primera infancia.

Recursos en español • Multilingual Learning Toolkit – Kit de Herramientas de Aprendizaje Multilingüe.

Consulta estos recursos presentados durante la Semana de celebración de niños que aprenden en dos idiomas, disponibles en varios idiomas:

Explora recursos relacionados en el Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (Centro de conocimiento y aprendizaje en la primera infancia) (ECLKC) para obtener más información.
