Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

professional development class

Register for May PD!

The Center has released a new line-up of online PD opportunities for all early learning professionals — administrators, teachers, teacher assistants, and family child care providers. Classes begin on May 6th!

New PD Offerings

For Administrators
Creating an Employee Handbook
Writing an employee handbook is quite an undertaking. What should you include? How can you ensure it will be useful and used by your employees? This two-session mini-series will walk through what an employee handbook is, offer tips on how to write one, and give you an idea of what to emphasize and include.

For Infant-Toddler and Family Child Care Providers
Help Me Explore! Using Quality Materials for Play and Learning with Infants and Toddlers

Tune in for an hour-long webinar about how to use movement, the natural world, and open-ended materials to optimize young children’s learning and development. This one-hour PD “Short” will explore both the characteristics of high-quality materials that inspire play and learning for very young children, and the caregiver’s role in supporting interactions with these materials.

Popular Offerings are Back

Autism Thinking: Perspective of the Child
Autism Spectrum Disorder affects 1 in every 59 children. Most early learning professionals have had a child diagnosed with autism or a child with autism-like characteristics in their classroom. This series–offered in partnership with The Autism Project– will help teachers better understand autism thinking, developmental disabilities, and sensory processing disorders, and learn strategies to support children’s learning and development.

Family Engagement: Culturally Responsive Approach
Developing respectful, reciprocal, and responsive relationships with families is essential for engaging them in their children’s education. This series will explore strategies for building strong relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s development and learning.

Beyond Colors, Shapes, and Numbers: Planning and Implementing Appropriate Curriculum for Toddlers
This series will support teachers in creating high-quality learning experiences for the unique needs of young toddlers and two-year-olds. Sessions will focus on evidence-based practices that highlight the use of interactions, materials and play to extend learning for this age group in a developmentally appropriate way.

Click below to see these offerings and more!

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