Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New


PD for November – DP para noviembre

Cuidado Sensitivo: Apoyando las Necesidades de Bebés y Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Esta serie presenta una estrategia basada en la investigación para el cuidado de bebés y niños pequeños que se enfoca en el desarrollo social y emocional como la base para todo crecimiento y desarrollo. Se enfatizará el rol de las relaciones entre el cuidador y el niño y las formas de promoverlo dentro del entorno de cuidado.

1, 8, y 15 de noviembre de 6:00pm – 8:00pm – En línea

Quality Environments and Supervision in School-Age Programs – New Series!
This 2-part series is an introduction to quality environments and supervision in after school programs.   It will explore the components of an afterschool program including health and safety, relationship building, programming /activities and how to create youth choice.  The sessions will also present information on supervising children both indoors and outdoors.

November 1st and 15th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm – Online

Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Young Children
Painful and stressful experiences early in life can have a lasting effect on children’s growth and development. This series provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of these experiences on young children and introduces effective strategies for working with these children in a child care setting. This series is designed for educators who possess a solid understanding of the foundations of healthy social and emotional development for young children.

November 4th, 18th, and December 2nd from 9:00am – 11:00am – Online


Register for PD / Regístrate para DP
