Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

It’s Time to Register for Spring PD! / ¡Es tiempo de registrarse para el DP de la primavera!

En español abajo

Spring is the perfect time to work towards completing your PD hours and development goals. The CELP PD Calendar is full of new course offerings for all roles on a wide variety of topics. Click on the link below to see our complete list. Classes begin on April 24th and will run through June.

New PD Offerings

Science Teaching in the Preschool Setting: Balls and Ramps (In-Person at CELP)
This popular and engaging series is back, designed to build teachers’ capacity to use an inquiry-based approach to science in the preschool setting. Using hands-on balls and ramps exploration and video exemplars for analysis and discussion, teachers will learn how to use both the environment and intentional interactions to facilitate children’s inquiry.

Learning about Self, Family, Classroom, and Community: An Overview of the New Social Studies RIELDS (In-person at CELP)
This multi-session series presents an overview of ways to support social studies in early childhood classrooms. Participants will explore the updates to the social studies component of the Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards (RIELDS) and learn how to design curriculum that supports children’s understanding of civics and government, economics, geography, and history.

Discoveries and Explorations: Quality Learning Environments for Infants and Toddlers (In-person at the Westerly Education Center)
This series for infant-toddler educators will provide an overview of how to create an environment that optimally supports approaches to learning and development for children from birth to three years old. The sessions will outline how specific aspects of the environment, such as the physical space, materials, and outdoor space can be used to facilitate exploration and discovery.

 Autism Series

Check out the new offerings from the Autism Project. You can attend any one of these 2-hour overview sessions.

Autism in Early Childhood: A Deep Dive
This session is designed to provide participants with up-to-date information on the neurodevelopmental characteristics of autism. This session is appropriate for those who are new to autism, as well as for those with decades of experience.

Sensing Our World: How The 8 Sensory Systems Impact Regulation
In this session, participants will discuss the 8 sensory systems, the impact of atypical modulation on the experience of sensory input, and strategies to assist with regulation.

A Common Goal: Fostering Empathetic Relationships Within a Child’s Team
To deliver impactful care, a child’s team must work as a cohesive, trusting, and therapeutic network. This presentation will provide both the family and professional perspectives, the causes of communication breakdowns, and strategies for repairing and preventing them.

Get Ready for the Summer

Pre-K to K Transition
Springtime is an important transition time for young children as they prepare to move out of preschool and into kindergarten for the fall. This one-session PD opportunity will support administrators and Pre-K teachers in understanding their role in supporting children and families during the transition to kindergarten.

The Nuts and Bolts of School-Age Summer Programming (NEW)
This 2-part training will explore the basics of setting up and running a summer curriculum for School-Age programs.  Whether you are new to summer programming, or a seasoned staff in need of a few reminders, and new ideas, this training will get you on the right path to a fantastic summer of learning.

Support for Administrators

Conscious Coaching: Supporting Staff Well-Being
This 2-part training is designed to guide administrators in how to use the powers and skills of Conscious Discipline coaching to better support staff well-being and professionalism. Pre-requisite: Participants will need to have taken Conscious Discipline 101, or any other training on Conscious Discipline’s principles and practices to enroll in this course.

Register Today!


La primavera es el momento perfecto para completar sus horas de DP y sus objetivos de desarrollo profesional. El nuevo calendario CELP DP está lleno de selecciones para todos los roles y contiene una amplia variedad de temas. Haga clic en el enlace abajo para ver nuestra lista completa. Las clases comienzan el 24 de abril y se extenderán hasta junio.

Cursos en español

Avanzando: Componentes clave de la calidad en programas de cuidado infantil familiar – Serie en línea
Esta serie está diseñada para programas de cuidado infantil familiar que aspiran a pasar de 1 estrella a 2 estrellas dentro del continuo de calidad de BrightStars. Los líderes de cuidado infantil familiar obtendrán conocimientos esenciales de los criterios para avanzar en las siguientes áreas de calidad: Planes de desarrollo profesional individual (IPDP), autoevaluación del programa, y sistemas de comunicación familiar que incluyen compartir información sobre la evaluación del desarrollo.

Comprender y responder a los comportamientos desafiantes – Serie en línea
Esta serie se centrará en definir el comportamiento desafiante, comprender por qué los niños exhiben este tipo de comportamiento e identificar las intervenciones adecuadas que ayuden a los niños a convertirse en miembros exitosos de la comunidad del salón de clases o del programa de cuidado infantil familiar. También discutiremos el sesgo implícito, ¿qué es? y cómo afecta nuestras expectativas e interacciones con los niños.

Una introducción al autismo y la autorregulación – Serie en línea
Esta serie del Autism Project proporcionará una descripción general del desarrollo típico y atípico, centrándose en las características del autismo y apoyando la autorregulación en todos los niños. Este curso brindará a los participantes una comprensión de estas características y les permitirá apoyar mejor a los niños con autismo en sus aulas. Además, se discutirán estrategias para apoyar a una persona antes, durante y después de un período de desregulación.

Preparación para el kínder y una transición exitosa – Serie en línea
Esta oportunidad de desarrollo profesional de dos sesiones ayudará a los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar a comprender su papel en el apoyo a los niños y las familias durante la transición al kinder. Esta serie definirá la preparación para el kinder y brindará a los participantes la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las prácticas actuales e identificar los próximos pasos.

¡Regístrese hoy!