Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Rhode Island College Early Childhood Education Graduate Program Graduate Offerings for Fall 2022

Rhode Island College (RIC) is offering the following classes for fall as part of its Early Childhood Education Graduate Program:

ECED 502: Curriculum, Developmental Play, & Programs Thursday, 4:00-6:50 PM, Hybrid/Online
Call number for registration purposes: 10697

Development and content of curriculum and trends in research for early care and education through primary grades are examined.


ECED 509: Emergent Literacy: Infants through Grade Two
Online/Asynchronous, TBA
Call number for registration purposes: 10698

Students learn how to help young children acquire an interest in reading and learn the necessary concepts concerning print and books.


ECED 662: Seminar in Early Childhood Education Research  Wednesday, 4:00-6:50 PM, Hybrid/Online
Call number for registration purposes: 10699

Students gain increased professional knowledge and competencies in finding, assessing, applying, and presenting data related to selected major topics in the field of early childhood education. The creation and defense of a major paper and a small-scale research study are required.

Register on-line at

For information, please contact Dr. McGuire-Schwartz at

