Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Recording of RIDOH Virtual Office Hours & COVID-19 Updates

On behalf of the Rhode Island Department of Health

May 27, 2022

Dear Valued Providers,

Thank you for joining the COVID-19 Child Care Virtual Office Hours on May 17. If you were unable to join, please find the video recording here.

Reminder: Please monitor your counties’ community level to be informed on what mitigation strategies are recommended for your program. As of Friday, May 27, Bristol, Kent, Providence, and Washington counties are in medium community levels. Newport county is in high community level. The community levels can be found on the RIDOH data hub here.

In high community level, Test to Stay is strongly recommended. Tests can still be requested through RIDOH here.

Example consent forms and letters can be found on the DHS website under handbooks and forms here.

Households may also request antigen tests from the federal government monthly at It is free, even if you don’t have insurance.

Update: Please see the attached visual from the CDC on isolation and quarantine guidance for early care and education programs (also found here), which aligns with current RIDOH isolation and quarantine guidance.

Please continue to report all positive cases of COVID-19 to the Child Care Team via, including self-tests. You can also call in to report via 401-222-8022.

Thank you,

The RIDOH COVID-19 Child Care Team

Attached documents:
