Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

family child care provider reading to a group of young children

SUCCESS will be Joining the Center’s Family Child Care Community of Practice (CoP) in September!

The Center for Early Learning Professionals is proud to announce that SUCCESS staff will join the monthly virtual CoP meetings for family child care. Family child care providers and educators statewide are invited to attend.

In the first hour, participants will learn about early childhood mental health consultation and the types of services that SUCCESS provides.  The SUCCESS program is growing and soon services will be available for family child care. As SUCCESS adapts, we want to learn from family child care providers and educators.

It is important that family child care providers attend this meeting – SUCCESS wants to hear your ideas and what will be most helpful for family child care!

Monthly Virtual Meeting Community of Practice (CoP) for FCC
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2021, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Link to enter:
To register please email Jessica Calle at
