Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Spring PD Registration is Now Open!

Spring is the perfect time to work towards completing your PD hours and IPDP goals. The new CELP PD Calendar is full of selections for all roles on a wide variety of topics. Click on the link below to see our complete list. Classes begin on April 10th and will run through June.
New Course Listings

Conscious Coaching: Supporting Staff Well-Being
This 2-part training is designed to guide administrators in how to use the powers and skills of Conscious Discipline coaching to better support staff well-being and professionalism. Pre-requisite: Participants will need to have taken Conscious Discipline 101, or any other training on Conscious Discipline’s principles and practices to enroll in this course.

Responsive Caregiving for Infants
Calling all Infant Teachers! This series is for providers who care for young and older infants, from birth to 18 months. Course content will present a research-based approach to caring for infants that focuses on social and emotional development as the foundation for all growth and development.
Improve Your Interactions and Curriculum

Reflective Practice: Introduction to Implicit Bias in the EC Classroom
In this overview session, we will define Implicit Bias and examine why it matters in our early childhood classrooms. Participants will be introduced to the concept of implicit bias and begin to reflect on how it is manifested in our early childhood classrooms and programs.

Young Mathematicians: Using Math Games to Build Minds and Motivations
This series is designed to improve preschool teachers’ capacity to facilitate and build children’s mathematical knowledge and thinking. Each session will focus on the use of fun and engaging math games that highlight key math concepts of number sense and quantity such as counting, identifying numerals, and understanding quantity. Course participants will receive a package of math materials to use for each session assignment.

 Pre-K to K Transition
Springtime is an important transition time for young children as they prepare to move out of preschool and into kindergarten for the fall. This one-session PD opportunity will support administrators and Pre-K teachers in understanding their role in supporting children and families during the transition to kindergarten.

Beyond Colors, Shapes, and Numbers: Planning and Implementing Appropriate Curriculum for Toddlers
Wondering how to create high-quality learning experiences for young toddlers and two-year-olds? This series will show you how to implement evidence-based practices that support learning and development specific for this age group.

Click here to Register!
