Center for Early Learning Professionals


The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) has identified goals for RI Pre-K programs, which include:

  • Attain or maintain annual RI Pre-K approval
  • Increase student outcomes, as demonstrated by child assessment data
  • Strengthen high-quality instructional practices for all students, as they align to the RIELDS, RIDE-approved curricula, and systems of assessment
  • Support children’s social-emotional development and strengthen Conscious Discipline® implementation
  • Refine reflective supervision and develop sustainable leadership practices

Professional development for the RI Pre-K community is designed to support these goals. Additionally, monthly education coordinator meetings bring school leadership together to discuss challenges and successes and engage in collaborative problem-solving. Our RI Pre-K Mentor Program enables more experienced RI Pre-K professionals to share their skills with their peers, while strengthening their leadership skills.

For more information about RI Pre-K’s professional development opportunities, please talk with your TA specialist.