Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Register for Fall PD/Regístrate para DP del otoño

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Fall PD opportunities will begin at the end of the month. The Fall calendar is full of new offerings that will help you learn new skills and have the best year yet.

New Professional Development Opportunities for All

Check out our new year-long social-emotional learning (SEL) training suite called A Foundation for Success
Series 1: Nurturing Children’s Relationships
The first series in this new training suite, Nurturing Children’s Relationships, will provide educators with a strong understanding of how to build positive relationships with children and families, beginning with the skills to construct within themselves. Participants will learn to define the components of positive relationships, identify universal strategies for building relationships with and between children, and discover targeted ways to support children who need additional support with relationship-building skills. Series 2 and 3 will take place in the winter and spring.

Tools for Engaging in Challenging Conversations with Families and Colleagues
Communication with families and co-workers can be hard! Particularly when there is a sensitive topic to discuss. This three-part series will guide participants in navigating challenging conversations in the early childhood setting. It is designed to support all members of the early childhood community including families, administrators, teachers, and teaching assistants.

A Developmental Approach to Classroom Management
This 3-session series will provide participants with the foundation to understand children’s learning needs through a developmental lens. With a developmentally appropriate approach, educators can provide targeted and tailored support to teach new skills, reduce challenging behaviors, and support social-emotional skill acquisition.

An Introduction to Autism, Sensory Integration, and Elopement
Join the Autism Project for an important 2-part series for all educators, administrators, and family child care providers. This series will begin with an overview of up-to-date information on the neurodevelopmental characteristics of autism.
PD for School-Age Educators

Creating Invitations to Learning Activities that Promote Youth Choice
After-school programs are a great way to encourage children to expand their learning and explore new experiences. In this training, we will learn about the importance of youth choice in after-school programs and discuss how to create “Invitations to Learning” without only using teacher-led instruction. Let’s learn how to bring the fun back to after school together!

Licensing Regulations for Out-of-School Time Care
Have you ever been overwhelmed by all the regulations for child care and not sure which ones pertain to your after-school program?  Join us for a 2-hour training on the RI DHS Child Care Licensing Regulations. This training will provide an overview of health and safety regulations, ratios, group sizes, and administrative rules pertaining to after-school programs.
In-Person Training at Scribbles Academy (678 Killingly St, Johnston, RI)

An ITERS-3 Refresher for Administrators and Teachers
An ECERS-3 Refresher for Administrators and Teachers

Each 2-part series will provide an overview of the important terms and components of the ITERS-3 or ECERS-3. Each series is meant to provide program administrators and teachers with a refresher on the tool, how to best use it for program improvement, and prepare for a high-stakes ERS observation.

View Fall PD


Las oportunidades de desarrollo profesional de otoño comenzarán a finales de mes. El calendario de otoño está lleno de clases que te ayudarán a aprender nuevas habilidades y tener un año fabuloso.

Una introducción al autismo, la integración sensorial y la fuga – Serie en Línea
Únase al Autism Project para una serie importante de dos sesiones para todos los educadores, administradores y proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar. Esta serie comenzará con una descripción general de información actualizada sobre las características del desarrollo neurológico del autismo. (Las fechas se anunciarán próximamente.)

Cuidado Sensitivo: Apoyando las Necesidades de Bebés y Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Esta serie fundacional presenta un enfoque basado en investigaciones para el cuidado de bebés y niños pequeños que se centra en el desarrollo social y emocional como base de todo crecimiento y desarrollo.

Comprender el Impacto del Trauma en los Niños Pequeños – Serie en Línea
Las experiencias dolorosas y estresantes en las primeras etapas de la vida pueden tener un efecto duradero en el crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños. Esta serie proporciona una descripción general completa del impacto de estas experiencias en los niños pequeños e introduce estrategias efectivas para trabajar con estos niños en un entorno de cuidado infantil.

Ayudando a los Niños a Crecer y Aprender en su Guardería de Cuidado Infantil Familiar – Serie en línea
Esta serie ofrece una visión general de varias de las regulaciones de DHS relacionadas al cuidado y la educación infantil ofrecida dentro del cuidado infantil familiar.

Ve el DP del otoño
