Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

PD for October! These Classes Start Soon!

New Series!
An Introduction to Autism and Self-Regulation – Online
This new 3-part series by the Autism Project will provide an overview of typical and atypical development, with a focus on the characteristics of autism, and supporting self-regulation in all children. This course will provide participants with an understanding of these characteristics and enable them to better support children with ASD in their classrooms. In addition, strategies to support a person before, during, and after a period of dysregulation will be discussed.

Thursdays, October 12th, 26th, and November 9th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Effective Classroom Practices for the First Six Weeks of School – In Person
This series will support preschool teachers as they plan for the first six weeks of the school year. Participants will learn a variety of strategies for supporting students’ social-emotional development as they acclimate to their new learning environment.  Sessions will focus on organizing the physical space and materials, building a classroom community, and establishing strong routines and expectations at the beginning of the year.

Tuesdays, October 10th, 17th, and 24th from 6:00pm- 8:00pm

Family Engagement: Culturally Responsive Approach – Online
Developing respectful, reciprocal, and responsive relationships with families is essential for engaging them in their children’s education. Research proves that strong partnerships between families and educators are key factors contributing to successful child outcomes. In this series, we will explore strategies for building strong relationships with families and engaging them in their children’s development and learning. We will also discuss implicit bias, what it is, and how it impacts our interactions with families.

Saturdays, October 14th, 28th, and November 11th from 9:00am – 11:00am

Click to View Fall PD!
