Center for Early Learning Professionals

Center for Early Learning Professionals

Strolling Thunder RI and Child Care Awareness Day

Strolling Thunder is a national event hosted by Zero To Three that brings national attention to what babies, children, and families need to thrive. States across the U.S. host Strolling Thunder events to focus advocacy efforts on state policies. Advocacy experience is not necessary! Families who are raising young children and child care providers are our best messengers to help the General Assembly understand the importance advancing state policy that invests in young children and families.

Strolling Thunder RI will coincide with Child Care Awareness Day at the Rhode Island State House on May 2, 2023 at 2:00PM – 4:00PM. The event will take place throughout the rotunda, including on the House and Senate floors.

RIAEYC created the Advocacy Tool Kit linked below to help you recruit fellow professionals and providers.

Click Here to Register for Strolling Thunder 2023

Click Here to Download Our Advocacy Tool Kit


May 02 2023


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


RI State House
Room 205