Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

RIDOH Update: COVID-19 Survey for Child Care Staff and Families

Dear Valued Providers,

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is looking for feedback on the COVID-19 support provided to child care programs over the past year. Below are links to two surveys: One for child care staff and one for parents.

Please ask staff members at your program to fill out the child care staff survey and forward the parent survey to your program’s family listserv. RIDOH will use the feedback gathered to plan for appropriate COVID-19 support and resources for child care programs and families over the coming year. Please respond by Friday, August 12.

Child Care Parent Survey: English Spanish

Child Care Staff Survey: English Spanish

Additionally, the recording of the virtual office hours session on Thursday, July 14th can be found here and the presentation can be found here.

Operation Expanded COVID-19 Testing

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Operation Expanded Testing (OpET) program increases access to testing nationwide, especially for communities that have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. OpET coordinates free screening testing* for K-12 schoolsearly care and education (ECE) programs, youth camps, and other qualified sites. To learn more, visit

*Screening testing tests asymptomatic people without a recent known or suspected exposure to COVID-19.

Finally, please view this graphic on hosting a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic at your program here. This can be shared with staff and families and instructions on requesting a clinic are provided. This is a great opportunity to provide quick and easy access to the COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months and older at your program. Additional information on getting your child vaccinated can be found here.

Thank you for your partnership.


The COVID-19 Child Care Response Team
