Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Kindergarten Jumpstart: 2023 Summer Enrichment Grant Opportunity!

RIDE is excited to support children’s smooth transition to kindergarten through the continuation of funding for the Kindergarten Jumpstart: 2023 Summer Enrichment Grant opportunity!

  • What is it? The Kindergarten Jumpstart Summer Enrichment Grants will be awarded to eligible local education agencies, municipalities, licensed childcare providers, and licensed summer activities providers to support the implementation of a summer readiness program that will meet the needs of their community and build on existing evidence-based practices for delivering high-quality programming to children. With the continued presence of the COVID-19 pandemic and illness-related closings of educational facilities, many children have had reduced exposure to, or relatedly, have missed out on any form of school experience which may impact their Kindergarten readiness.
    • The primary goal of these summer programs will be to accelerate learning during the critical summer months for young children who may have had limited access to in-school experiences due to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or may benefit from additional high-quality learning experiences prior to Kindergarten entry.
    • New for 2023: K-Jumpstart Programs must operate for 3 full weeks, and classrooms must have at least 12 children enrolled. Additionally, K-Jumpstart Programs are required to use a RIDE-endorsed Early Learning or Kindergarten curriculum.


  • How do I apply? The Kindergarten Jumpstart: Summer Enrichment Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis through a grant application submission and review process. All completed applications and necessary attachments must be emailed to by 4:00pm on Monday, May 22nd, 2023.


  • Where can I find the application? Click here for a Word Document of the Grant Application.
    • Note: This opportunity is not yet posted on the RIDE webpage – RIDE is working with its team to get this up as soon as possible. In the meantime, all necessary materials for this grant application opportunity are attached to this email.

Questions? Visit Frequently Asked Questions page (pg. 3) of the Grant Application to view some frequently asked questions and answers that we have compiled for this opportunity. For any unanswered questions regarding this opportunity, please contact the RI Pre-K team at
