Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Earn Your CDA at CCRI!

CCRI and the Department of Human Services announce the R.I. Early Childhood Education and Training Program Grant

Are you interested in earning your Preschool Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential?

What is a Child Development Associate® (CDA)?
The Child Development Associate (CDA) is a nationally recognized early childhood credential designed to assess early childhood educator’s knowledge, skills and abilities using multiple sources of evidence such as an exam, observation and professional portfolio. The purpose of this credential is to ensure that early childhood educators are providing high quality care and meeting the developmental, emotional and educational needs of children.

The CCRI-CDA cohort program at CCRI is a FREE instructional program available to Child Care providers, who are CCAP & BrightStars approved and are working with preschool age children.

Upon completion of the CCRI-CDA program, eligible students can apply to the RI-T.E.A.C.H scholarship program to cover a portion of the cost of the Council for Professional Recognition CDA exam. The RI-T.E.A.C.H contractual agreement will cover 90% of the CDA exam. The remaining 10% of the CDA Assessment application fee will be divided evenly between the sponsoring center/employer and the student. Upon receipt of the Nationally Accredited CDA certificate, the student will be eligible to
receive a $100.00 bonus paid by RI-T.E.A.C.H.

To Qualify Your Center Must:
Be in good standings and hold a current DHS license.
Be approved with DHS-Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and serving CCAP children.
Be actively enrolled and rated by the RI Quality Rating and Improvement System known as BrightStars

The 14-week Cohort model will meet weekly to assist participants to:

  • Receive instruction to gain an understanding of the 6 CDA Competency Standards.
  • Receive guidance in preparing the Professional Portfolio.
  • Receive guidance in developing a Philosophy Statement.
  • Develop Community Supports.
  • Link students to the RI-T.E.A.C.H. coordinator for scholarship funds and exam registration assistance.
  • Receive 42 hours of RI State Approved Professional Development Hours.
  • Receive guidance in completing the CDA online application process and pre-exam requirements.
Lori Ryan, CCRI
RIECETP Coordinator
Applications can be found at:

All RIECETP services are funded through the RI DHS Office of Child Care
