Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Announcing… The Family Child Care Community of Practice!

The Center for Early Learning Professionals is launching a monthly, virtual Family Child Care Community of Practice (FCC CoP) for all licensed FCCs. FCC CoP sessions will be offered in English and Spanish.

WHO:    All Rhode Island Licensed Family Child Care Educators

  • who share common concerns or “dilemmas” related to their practice
  • who share a passion for the care and education of young children
  • who want to learn more about early childhood education methods and resources
  • who want to share their knowledge and learn from and with each other.

The FCC CoP is a  monthly opportunity for family childcare educators to meet, problem-solve and reflect on their teaching and business practices in a structured, facilitated setting. All are invited to identify and discuss common challenges related to DHS licensing and QRIS domains. The CoP will be facilitated to support collaborative problem-solving and to illuminate the social connections and professional camaraderie among Family Child Care Providers.

WHEN:  Once a month from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.
February 25th, March 11th, April 29th, May 27th, June 10th, July 1st, August 12th, and September 30th.

WHERE: Virtually!  Come as you are… invite a colleague or two!

The Center’s Technical Assistance (TA) team provides support with an evolving focus and content that is based on the needs and interests of Family Child Care Providers: Example topics include:

  • Supporting effective business practices during COVID-19
  • Creating / enhancing learning environments
  • Using the RI Workforce, Knowledge and Competencies (WKC) to create or revise Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs)
  • Identifying resources to support continuous quality improvement
  • And more!

To register for the English sessions, contact Jessica Calle: 401.734.1281 –
To register for Spanish sessions, contact Tania Quezada: 401.734.1286 –
