Center for Early Learning Professionals

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2025 CELP Virtual Half-Day Conference: Supporting All Learners / Conferencia virtual de medio día de CELP: Apoyando a todos los estudiantes

2025 CELP Virtual Half-Day Conference: Supporting All Learners


En español abajo

We are excited to announce CELP’s First Virtual Half-Day Conference: Supporting All Learners! Thanks to the support of DHS and RIDE, this is free to all early childhood educators in Rhode Island!

Our day will begin at 8am with a fabulous Keynote Speaker. Access to this is included in your workshop registration so, you will not need to register for this separately. Workshops start at 9am and end at 12pm; with each workshop focused on topics of interest for RI’s early childhood educators.

Instructions: You will be able to register for one workshop of your choice. The workshops will be interactive and will include a short break, and you can earn up to 4 PD hours by participating in the Keynote and a Workshop. Closer to the Conference date of Saturday, March 8th, the Zoom links for the Keynote Speech and workshops will be made available. We can’t wait to see you!


Keynote Speech

Every Child, Every Chance: Reimagining What’s Possible with Taylor Passmore, MSEd.   
A discussion of how and why positive assumptions and quality interactions from every early childhood professional makes lasting impact on every child. Let’s wonder together!


Workshop Options

Building Big Feelings in Little Ones: Supporting Emotional Literacy with Infants and Toddlers
Discover how to turn everyday moments into powerful opportunities for emotional growth. This engaging session will equip you with simple, effective strategies to help infants and toddlers recognize, express, and manage their feelings. Learn how responsive interactions and thoughtful environments can build a strong foundation for emotional resilience. Walk away with practical tools to nurture big hearts in the littlest learners!

Exercising Whole Leadership: A Matter of Interdependence
To create the conditions that are most likely to sustain and improve organizational quality, the leadership that resides within an early care and education program must demonstrate all three of the whole leadership domains (leadership essentials, administrative leadership, and pedagogical leadership). This session explores participant leadership journeys related to the Whole Leadership Framework while also providing an overview of each domain. Participants will learn how to increase staff use and implementation of organizational practices by focusing on a method that taps into the interdependence of the domains.

Prepping for Your Summer Program
In this workshop we will explore the basics of summer programming. Whether you are new to summer programming or are seasoned staff in need of a few reminders or new ideas we have you covered.  We will explore the importance of summer programming and discuss essential policies and procedures that administered staff should have in place. We will also discuss how to navigate RI DHS regulation compliance and safety. We will also cover group management strategies, how to implement youth choice, program structure and curriculum ideas that will keep the “summer fun” while supporting learning. There will be lots of opportunities to share ideas, collaborate and ask questions!

Supporting Language and Literacy Development for All Learners
In this workshop we will explore Oral Language Development, The Science of Reading, and how to support Multilingual Learners. We will demonstrate how early success in language development lays the foundation for future academic learning including literacy development. We will unpack the meaning of the Science of Reading and how to best support Multilingual learners in the classroom.

Understanding Autism in The Young Child
Autism impacts all aspects of a child’s development. Participants will learn more about the underlying challenges of autism and the role it plays in their classroom behavior and learning. This foundational knowledge of autism will lead professionals to see the child’s challenges through the lens of autistic neurology rather than “intentional behavior.” This workshop will be presented by Cheryl Cotter of Educational Consulting.

Using Picture Books to Support Social and Emotional Learning
Children’s books are an amazing resource for teachers in the early childhood field!  Not only are they FREE at your local library, but they can also be used to teach all of the Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards (RIELDS). This workshop will focus on how participants can choose and use high-quality picture books to support the social and emotional development of children ages 3-5. Participants will leave with a list of amazing books, and practical strategies for how to use them! This workshop is designed for educators and support staff working in preschool classrooms.

Click here to register!

Conferencia virtual de medio día de CELP: Apoyando a todos los estudiantes


Estamos felices de anunciar la Primera conferencia virtual de medio día de CELP: ¡Apoyando a todos los estudiantes! ¡Gracias al soporte de DHS y RIDE es gratuita para todos los educadores de la primera infancia en Rhode Island!

Nuestro día comenzará a las 8am con un fabuloso orador principal; no será necesario registrarse para esta parte de la conferencia. El tallere comienza a las 9am y finaliza a las 12pm.

Instrucciones: Lea la descripción a continuación y luego regístrese en un taller. El tallere será interactivo e incluirá un breve descanso. Más cerca de la fecha de la Conferencia del sábado 8 de marzo, los enlaces de Zoom para el discurso de apertura y los talleres estarán disponibles. ¡Estamos ansiosos por verte!


Orador principal

Cada niño, cada oportunidad: re-imaginando lo que es posible con Taylor Passmore, MSEd. Una discusión sobre cómo y por qué las suposiciones positivas y las interacciones de calidad de cada profesional de la primera infancia tienen un impacto duradero en cada niño. ¡Preguntémonos juntos!


Taller en español

Bienestar para proveedores y educadores de cuidado infantil
Este taller brindará una introducción a los educadores de niños pequeños (proveedores y maestros de cuidado infantil familiar) con una descripción general de las estrategias para aliviar el estrés, el trauma y otros desafíos comunes que se enfrentan en los entornos domésticos y de cuidado infantil de hoy. El enfoque de Bienestar de educadores es ayudar a integrar prácticas que apoyen el bienestar de los adultos en sus rutinas diarias y en los sistemas y las estructuras de programas. Se compartirán herramientas para la reflexión y aplicación de estas estrategias.

¡Haz clic aquí para registrarte!
