Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Winter 2023 Professional Development is Here!

Start off the new year by meeting your professional development goals! Our winter calendar offers PD on a wide variety of topics for educators in all roles. Click on the link below to see our complete list. Classes begin on January 9th and will run through March.

Care for Yourself and the Children in Your Program

Take Conscious Discipline to the Next Level

Building a Foundation for Social Emotional Learning (Formerly the Diving Deeper: Building the Skills of Resiliency series)
This 3-part series will answer the question, “How do I create a classroom that will support all students’ diverse needs?” This series will share practical tools and structures that foster a classroom based on safety and connection, so children are regulated enough to explore their learning environment, foster self-regulation skills and social emotional learning. There is a prerequisite for this series. Participants must have taken the Our Amazing Brain/Brain Power series.

Self-Care for Educators
This monthly series which launched in the fall will carry on through the winter months. If you participated in the series this past fall, you can continue attending throughout the winter semester. If you need to boost your mindfulness and self-care practices, then sign up for this helpful and informative series.

PD Offerings for Infant-Toddler Teachers

NEW TRAINING: Supporting Infant and Toddler Interactions Using the CLASS
This new series for infant and toddler teachers will provide an overview of the quality practices highlighted in the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) for Infants and Toddlers. Participants will gain an understanding of effective teacher/child interactions that are proven to support learning and reflect on their own practices for improvement.

Responsive Caregiving: Supporting the Needs of Infants and Toddlers
This series presents a research-based approach to caring for infants and toddlers that focuses on social and emotional development as the foundation for all growth and development. Participants will explore the principles of responsive caregiving, the role of relationships in infant-toddler care, and how to meet the unique needs of children birth to toddlerhood.

In-Person Training

Young Mathematicians: Using Math Games to Build Minds and Motivations
This series is designed to improve preschool teachers’ capacity to facilitate and build children’s mathematical knowledge and thinking. Each session will focus on the use of fun and engaging math games that highlight key math concepts of number sense and quantity such as counting, identifying numerals, and understanding quantity. Course participants will receive a package of math materials to use for each session assignment.

Training for Family Child Care Providers

NEW TRAINING: Learning Environment Training: FCCERS-3 Overview
The online Learning Environment Training for family child care providers is newly updated with an overview of the third edition of the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS-3). This module is appropriate for those who are new to the tool or would like a refresher. This training meets the requirement for programs new to BrightStars and those looking to move up to a two-star rating.

Creating a Family Handbook for Family Child Care Providers
This PD offering targeted for family child care providers will walk through the components of a family handbook and review forms and documentation families must complete for enrollment of their child.

See all Winter PD Offerings!
