Weekly Highlights
En español abajo
March 18, 2025
Happy Tune-In Tuesday!
This issue includes the following sections:
- New! Take Our PD/TA Survey!
- News from DHS
- All-Provider Meeting PowerPoint
- News from RIDE
- Spring RIELDS Course Offerings
- New! Step Up to WAGE$ Receives Time-Limited Funds to Award an Additional One-Time Wage
- Resources for You
- Higher Education Pathways
- Share your News and Calendar Events!
New! Take Our PD/TA Survey!
Take our Professional Development and Technical Assistance Needs survey and enter our drawing for a chance to win money for your program! With your survey completion, you can choose to enter a raffle to win money that will be used to purchase materials for your classroom or program. Please note survey responses will be kept anonymous. Raffle prizes will include: $100 for two center-based administrators; $100 for two family child care providers; and $50 for four teachers/teacher assistants.
CELP is looking for your input about our professional development and program improvement services. We would love to hear about how you’ve accessed CELP this year, and how to better meet the workforce needs of the early childhood education community.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and provide us with your valuable feedback. We would appreciate your survey response by April 12th.
News from DHS
All-Provider Meeting PowerPoint
March 11, 2025
Valued Providers,
Thank you to the hundreds of you who joined the All Provider Meeting last week. We have a place on the DHS website that houses all of the PowerPoint presentations for these meetings. You can find the link here: Child Care Resources.
Please stay tuned in the coming days for more resources and support around all things RISES! Reach out if you have any questions!
Thanks so much!
Nicole Chiello
Assistant Director – Office of Child Care
News from RIDE
Spring RIELDS Course Offerings
The Spring RIELDS course offerings are now open for registration on the Center for Early Learning Professionals website. The courses available for registration are:
• Foundations: The Guiding Principles (English and Spanish)
• Foundations: The 9 Domains (English and Spanish)
• Classrooms – The Instructional Cycle (Preschool)
• Classrooms – The Instructional Cycle (Infant/Toddler)
• Classrooms – Curriculum and Planning (Preschool)
• Classrooms – Curriculum and Planning (Infant/Toddler)
• Programs for Administrators
For questions related to RIELDS professional development, or for assistance registering, please contact Elaine Remillard, RIELDS Professional Development Coordinator at Elaine.Remillard@ride.ri.gov.
New! Step Up to WAGE$ Receives Time-Limited Funds to Award an Additional One-Time Wage
We are thrilled to announce that Step Up to WAGE$ RI has received time-limited funds to award an additional one-time wage supplement. This payment will be available to award to infant and toddler educators ONLY.
This funding was specifically set aside to retain highly qualified infant and toddler educators and to ensure the availability and quality of infant and toddler child care is sustained and strengthened as public investment in preschool grows.
To qualify for this one-time payment, you will need to meet the Step Up to WAGE$ eligibility criteria listed below:
- Earn $23 per hour or less
- Have a level of education on the Step Up to WAGE$ RI scale,
- Official Transcripts/ Certifications Required.
- Work at a DHS-licensed, BrightStars & CCAP participating child care program
- Maintain employment for six (6) consecutive months in the same child care program, with no more than 2 weeks of leave
- Work in an infant and/or toddler classroom setting for a minimum of 10 hours per week
More important information: We encourage all Infant Toddler Educators to apply.
*If you were previously awarded a Step Up to WAGE$ supplement, or placed on our waitlist, you do not need to reapply; however, you will need to be “confirmed” by the WAGE$ team to ensure you still qualify.
*If you did not qualify previously, you are welcome to reapply.
You can find the Step Up to WAGE$ application here: www.teach-ri.org/wage/ or you can request a copy of the application by emailing us at wages@riaeyc.org.
As a reminder, these funds are limited. While we want to award as many educators as possible, we cannot guarantee every educator who applies will be awarded. Payment will be sent later this spring/summer of 2025.
Nicole Chiello
Assistant Director, Office of Child Care, DHS
Lisa Hildebrand
Executive Director
Resources for You
New! La Fuerza-STEM’s Telenovela Nominated for Children’s or Family Viewing Series Emmy La Fuerza de Creer: Dulce Sazón, a science-infused telenovela that is part of La Fuerza-STEM, an EDC initiative that supports Spanish-speaking families in promoting their children’s early science learning, has been nominated for a Children’s or Family Viewing Series Emmy Award.
New! From the McCormick Institute for Early Childhood
New! From Early Childhood Investigations
- Child-Led Play Leads to Early Literacy, March 26
- The Early Learning Sweet Spot Where Creative Play and Social-Emotional Development Connect, April 23
From the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning
From the Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University
From the National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety
- Supporting Safe and Healthy Child Care Environments with the Right Tools March 20
- Early Childhood Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety Resource List
Higher Education Pathways
Community College of Rhode Island: Learn more about the opportunities CCRI has designed to help students prepare for admission into formal teacher certification programs and other opportunities for success in teaching. A few options included on the CCRI Early Childhood Education Program pathways page are below, take a moment to pause and explore!
- RIECETP 12/24 College Credit Program Application Fall 2025 (Click Here) Application Deadline is June 30, 2025
- CDA Application – Preschool Fall 2025 (Click Here)
- CDA Application – Infant-Toddler Fall 2025 (Click Here)
- CDA Application – Family Child Care Provider Español Fall 2025 (Click Here)
Registered Apprenticeship Program: Rhode Island Early Childhood Registered Apprenticeship Application. You can contact RIAEYC: info@riaeyc.org or 401-739-6100 for more information.
T.E.A.C.H. Program: Click here to learn about the T.E.A.C.H. program. You can learn more about scheduling an information session and the benefits of sponsoring a T.E.A.C.H. scholar here.
Share Your News and Calendar Events!
Do you have news for Tune-In Tuesday or calendar events that are relevant to the early childhood community of Rhode Island? You can share them through this form. (Center staff may edit your submission for clarity or decline to post any submission.)
Anuncios Destacados
18 de marzo de 2025
¡Feliz martes sintonizado!
Este boletín incluye las siguientes secciones:
- Tome nuestra encuesta de DP/TA
- Noticias de DHS
- PowerPoint de reunión para todos los proveedores
- Noticias de RIDE
- Cursos RIELDS de la primavera
- Guarda la fecha: WEPA 2025
- Recursos para ti
- Recursos de nuestros socios
¡Nuevo! Tome nuestra encuesta de DP/TA
¡Tome nuestra encuesta de Necesidades de Desarrollo Profesional y Asistencia Técnica y participe en nuestra rifa para tener la oportunidad de ganar dinero para materiales para su programa! Una vez completada la encuesta, puede optar por participar en una rifa para ganar dinero que se utilizará para comprar materiales para su salón de clases o programa. Tenga en cuenta que las respuestas de la encuesta se mantendrán anónimas. Los premios de las rifas incluirán: $100 para dos administradores de centro; $100 por dos proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar; y $50 para cuatro maestros/asistentes de maestros.
CELP está buscando su opinión sobre nuestros servicios de desarrollo profesional y mejora de programa (asistencia técnica). Nos encantaría saber cómo ha accedido al CELP este año, y cómo satisfacer mejor las necesidades de fuerza laboral de la comunidad de educación infantil temprana.
Tómese unos minutos para completar esta encuesta y envíenos sus valiosos comentarios. Agradeceríamos su respuesta a la encuesta antes del 12 de abril.
Noticias de DHS
PowerPoint de reunión para todos los proveedores
11 de marzo de 2025
Estimados proveedores:
Gracias a los cientos de personas que participaron en la reunión de todos los proveedores la semana pasada. Tenemos un lugar en el sitio web del DHS que alberga todas las presentaciones de PowerPoint para estas reuniones. Puede encontrar el enlace aquí: Recursos para el cuidado infantil.
¡Esté atento en los próximos días para obtener más recursos y apoyo sobre todo lo relacionado con RISES! ¡Comuníquese con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta!
¡Muchas gracias!
Nicole Chiello
Subdirectora – Oficina de Cuidado Infantil
¡Nuevo! Noticias de RIDE
Cursos RIELDS de la primavera
Ya está abierta la inscripción a los cursos RIELDS de primavera en el sitio web del Center for Early Learning Professionals. Los cursos disponibles son:
• Fundaciones: Los principios guiadores (Español e Ingles)
• Fundaciones: Los 9 dominios (Español e Ingles)
Para preguntas acerca de los cursos de desarrollo profesional RIEDS, o para asistencia en registrarse, por favor comuníquese con Elaine Remillard, Coordinadora del desarrollo profesional RIELDS en Elaine.Remillard@ride.ri.gov.
Guarda la fecha: WEPA 2025
Únete a la sexta Asamblea anual WEPA, que se llevará a cabo el sábado 7 de junio de 2025 de 9:00 a. m. a 2:00 p. m. (la feria de registro y recursos comienza a las 8:00) en Providence Marriott Downtown (1 Orms St, Providence, RI 02904).
Recursos para ti
¡Nuevo! La Fuerza-STEM’s Telenovela Nominated for Children’s or Family Viewing Series Emmy La Fuerza de Creer: Dulce Sazón, una telenovela con infusión de ciencia que es parte de La Fuerza-STEM, una iniciativa de EDC que apoya a las familias de habla hispana en la promoción del aprendizaje temprano de las ciencias de sus hijos, ha sido nominada para un premio Emmy a la serie infantil o familiar.
- Promover la equidad en la educación infantil
- Recursos en español de NAEYC: Globally-Focused and Translated Blogs, Books and Articles | NAEYC.
Del Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
- Desarrollo del cerebro mediante el juego: actividades para bebés, niños pequeños y niños – Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
- El juego en la primera infancia: el papel del juego en cualquier entorno (disponible con subtítulos en español)
Recursos de nuestros socios
Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI): Obtenga más información sobre las oportunidades que CCRI ha diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararse para la admisión a programas formales de certificación docente y otras oportunidades para tener éxito en la enseñanza. A continuación se incluyen algunas opciones incluidas en la página de vías del Programa de Educación Infantil Temprana del CCRI. ¡Tómese un momento para hacer una pausa y explorar! CCRI Esta aceptando aplicaciones para el Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil (CDA). Puede ver mas información aquí y puede ver el sitio web aquí.
De RIAIMH: Práctica reflexiva en el contexto de la cultura y el lenguaje: Levantando la comunidad es un aprendizaje colaborativo intensivo que explora las dimensiones de la salud mental infantil y de la primera infancia en las comunidades latinoamericanas. Empieza en enero y la registración está limitada a 20 participantes.
La Administration for Children & Families tiene un nuevo Marco de sistemas para apoyar el aprendizaje de dos idiomas en entornos de educación y atención temprana.
El Genesis Center esta ofreciendo un curso gratis de ingles para proveedores de cuidado de niños. Curso gratis de inglés para proveedores de cuidado de niños del Genesis Center / Free English Class for Home Childcare Providers from the Genesis Center – Center for Early Learning Professionals (center-elp.org). Para mas información y como aplicar: visite gencenter.org o envié un correo: info@gencenter.org, mbonilla@gencenter.org & ccuevas@gencenter.org; tel: (401) 781-6110.