Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

child in school

Spring PD has Sprung! Grab a Spot Now!

Learn with your peers, try an in-person series!

In-Person PD Offerings

Science Teaching in the Preschool Setting: Balls and Ramps (In-Person at CELP)
Take your science practices to the next level with this engaging, hands-on series on balls and ramps. Join us for an interactive learning experience led by Cindy Hoisington, a nationally recognized expert in early childhood science curriculum. Learn more about Cindy’s work with early childhood professionals here. Starts April 24th.

Discoveries and Explorations: Quality Learning Environments for Infants and Toddlers (In Person in Westerly)
Calling all infant and toddler teachers! This series will help you to make improvements to your learning environment, including rethinking play materials, and both indoor and outdoor spaces. Starts May 1st.

Supporting Social and Emotional Development: The Preschool Years (In-Person in Cranston)
Improve the social-emotional environment of your classroom. This series will help teachers of preschool-aged children better understand social-emotional development, the importance of building relationships, and how to foster self-esteem and problem-solving skills. Starts May 6th.

Click the link below to see the full list of spring PD!

View Spring PD Offerings!

