Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Register for Winter PD and Literacy Grant Information/Regístrate para DP del invierno

It’s Time to Register for Winter PD!

En español abajo
The CELP Winter PD calendar launches in the new year. Register now for any of our latest offerings.

New Professional Development Opportunities for All

Sign up to participate in our new year-long social-emotional learning (SEL) training suite: A Foundation for Success
Series 2: Helping Preschoolers Build Emotional Super Powers through Self-Regulation Skills
The second course in this year-long SEL series will provide educators with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively understand, support, and nurture the healthy development of preschool children’s emotions and self-regulation skills. Both participants who took Series 1 in the fall and newcomers are encouraged to register. Series 3 will take place in the spring.

Exploring Multisensory Practices for Vocabulary Development
This new three-session series introduces research-based practices that support the learning and development of vocabulary. Session topics will focus on building children’s oral language and conversational skills, and multisensory teaching strategies for building a robust vocabulary.

(For Toddler Teachers) Building Foundations: Developing a Toddler Study-Based Curriculum
This new series is designed to support teachers with the tools and strategies needed to create dynamic, study-based curricula tailored specifically for toddlers. Through a blend of hands-on activities and discussions, participants will learn the eight steps to planning engaging and developmentally appropriate study topics that spark exploration and discovery.
PD for School-Age Educators

Quality Environments and Supervision in School-Age Programs
This 2-part series is an introduction to quality environments and supervision in after-school programs. It will explore the components of an afterschool program including health and safety, relationship building, programming /activities, and how to create youth choice.

Supporting Children with Childhood Trauma in Out of School Time
This training will discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences, what it means, how it can occur, and key practices for ensuring a supportive environment for children. Series content will strategies needed to create and provide opportunities for positive social interaction, build strong relationships with adults, and incorporate trauma-informed practices that will foster positive self-esteem, independence, and success for each child.

In-Person Training at Brown Fox Point Early Childhood Education Center
Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Young Children
This series provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of these experiences on young children and introduces effective strategies for working with these children in a child care setting. The sessions will highlight the importance of building trusting relationships and recognizing cues and triggers while supporting children with a history of trauma.
This series will be held at Brown Fox Point, 150 Hope Street, Providence.

View Winter PD

Rhode Island Reads:
2024 Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant

RIDE recently received a $40 million federal grant to improve literacy outcomes for RI students, birth through grade twelve. The grant will focus on developing literacy coaching structures, partnerships with Educator Preparation Programs and Reimagining systems for MTSS.

Rhode Island LEAs and CBOs are encouraged to review the goals of the grant and the scope of work overview. The grant is divided into three divisions: Birth-PK, Elementary (K-5), and Secondary (6-12).

LEAs and CBOs interested in applying for this opportunity should complete the Intent to Apply by 4pm EST on January 10, 2025.

Please reach out to with any questions, or requests for additional information.

¡Es tiempo de registrarte para DP del invierno!

Las oportunidades de desarrollo profesional del invierno comenzarán en enero.
Este invierno tendremos nuevos cursos como:

Medios y tecnología en la primera infancia
Esta serie mejorará la capacidad de los educadores a facilitar, desarrollar e implementar un currículo utilizando los medios y la tecnología basándose en las mejores prácticas y aprenderán estrategias que les permitirán incluir los medios y la tecnología de una forma intencional.

Una introducción a la evaluación preescolar: Observación y documentación
Esta serie brindará a los maestros una introducción a los aspectos prácticos de la evaluación infantil: los diferentes tipos y propósitos de la evaluación, el importante papel de la evaluación en el apoyo al desarrollo de los niños y las mejores prácticas para realizar evaluaciones.
El horario se anunciará próximamente.

Ve el DP del invierno
