Center for Early Learning Professionals

Understanding Child Abuse and Prevention

Development and Learning / Family Child Care Administrators and Educators / Family Engagement / Infant-Toddler Educators / Leadership and Program Management / Physical and Mental Health, Safety, and Wellness / Preschool and Pre-K Educators / Program Directors, Education Coordinators, and Education Supervisors
  • Description

In this course, participants will learn how to identify the signs of abuse and neglect, describe how abuse and neglect impacts development, implement strategies to build resilience in children suffering from abuse and neglect, and identify the mandated responsibilities of reporting cases of abuse or neglect. Early childhood teachers have a unique opportunity to affect the life of a child suffering from abuse and neglect. Many children spend as many as 10 hours a day in early childhood programs, and children depend on their teachers to provide a safe, nurturing place to grow and learn. Unfortunately, some of those children come to child care with experiences of abuse and neglect. High-quality child care centers, with professionals who have action-oriented information, can make a difference for children that has long-lasting benefits. The principles discussed and the strategies described will help teachers understand the importance of their role and build resilience in young children suffering from abuse and neglect. This course provides training suitable for anyone related to or involved in the field of early childhood education.

Organization: Quality Assist, Inc.
PD Hours: 3 PD hours
Modality: Self-Paced