Center for Early Learning Professionals

Trauma Informed Practices

Development and Learning / Family Child Care Administrators and Educators / Infant-Toddler Educators / Physical and Mental Health, Safety, and Wellness / Preschool and Pre-K Educators / Program Directors, Education Coordinators, and Education Supervisors / School Age Educator

Approximately 66% of children report experiencing traumatic events before the age of 16. The effects of these experiences can be devastating, but with support, many children can overcome their traumatic experiences. This course, Trauma Informed Practices, raises awareness of the impact of childhood trauma on children’s learning and development and provides strategies to support the healing, resilience, and well-being of traumatized children and those who care for them.

Organization: Quality Assist, Inc.
PD Hours: 3 PD hours
Modality: Self-Paced