Center for Early Learning Professionals

Challenging Behavior: Reveal the Meaning

Development and Learning / Family Child Care Administrators and Educators / Infant-Toddler Educators / Preschool and Pre-K Educators / Program Directors, Education Coordinators, and Education Supervisors

Children express their needs through words, facial expressions, body language, and behavior. When communication is sent in the form of challenging behavior, understanding the message can be difficult. This course explores the ways children speak to us through behavior and examines the role teachers play in the two-way conversation. Participants will learn how to interpret children’s behavior, how to effectively teach social skills, how to develop an environment that supports cooperative and meaningful learning, and how to build partnerships with families. Through case studies, interactive learning activities, group discussion forums, and reflective writing exercises, participants gain a solid understanding of what challenging behaviors communicate and how best to respond. This course provides training suitable for any professional working within the early childhood education field or with young children, directors, family members, and parents.

Contact: Camiley Constantine
Organization: Quorum - Training
PD Hours: 3 PD hours
Modality: Self-Paced