Center for Early Learning Professionals

2023 RIELDS Infant/Toddler Classrooms: The Instructional Cycle


*Pre-requisite for this course is the successful completion of Foundations: Nine Domains This hybrid course will be presented both virtually (3 modules) and in-person (3 modules). Participants in this twelve-hour, six module, professional development series will be introduced to the components of the instructional cycle as it applies to high-quality infant and toddler classroom and caregiver settings. This course will explore how the RIELDS are used as a foundation for developing curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and will immerse participants in the exploration and study of the principles of responsive caregiving, infant/toddler development, the role of the caregiver/educator in supporting infant and toddler development and learning, and utilizing assessment data to make curricular and instructional decisions.

Registration Closed
PD Hours: up to 12 PD hours
Dates: Tuesdays, January 14th, 21st, 28th, February 4th, 11th and 25th
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Modality: Instructor-Led
Location: Hybrid (Child Inc., 160 Draper Ave., Warwick, and Online)