Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Tiles spelling autism

The Autism Project Announces Spring Online PD Series

The Autism Project is offering the following three online trainings:

  • Understanding Autism – March 5 from 6:30–8:30pm
    Participants will learn about children with communication and self-regulation challenges and how their needs impact their behavior.
  • Visual Supports in Practice – April 9 from 6:30–8:30pm
    Participants will learn how to create and use visual supports to better support individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Positive Behavior Supports – May 7 from 6:30–8:30pm
    Participants will learn how to help parents and professionals view challenging behavior through a different lens addressing possible skill deficits, coexisting conditions, and motivation of behaviors.

Approved PD hours for Rhode Island are available, as are NASW-RI credits. There is a $30 fee per class. For further information, email Deb Langevin or call 401-785-2666 ext. 5.

Photo credit: PlusLexia.
