Center for Early Learning Professionals

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RIDE Releases the RI Pre-K Application for 2021-2022!

The Rhode Island Department of Education is requesting applications from qualified vendors to expand the RI Pre-Kindergarten Program. Eligible partners include licensed child care programs, Head Start organizations, and public and non-public schools, able to operate a RI Pre-K classroom in any and all Rhode Island communities. This expansion aims to add over 300 high-quality RI Pre-K seats for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year.

Within this application, we are pleased to introduce new service delivery options for early learning providers seeking to open RI Pre-K classrooms in 2021. The goal of the new RI Pre-K service delivery models is to include partners that are currently offering high-quality Pre-K, while leveraging funds through other state or federal agencies, to ensure a wide variety of high-quality early learning options for RI families.

All relevant grant documents may be found on the RIDE Pre-K Page.  

Questions concerning this solicitation may be emailed to by noon on Friday, February 26, 2021.

Please send questions in Microsoft Word format and reference the RI Pre-K Application and program name in the title. Any questions received, will be posted and answered on the RIDE website as an addendum to this solicitation by March 2, 2021.

RI Pre-K applications are due to by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. 
