Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

RIDE is Offering 2 PD Series on Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education

RI-Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education (RI-IECSE) is a six (6) session professional development series in which special education teachers, therapists, and educational leaders will learn about the RI-IECSE service-delivery model. The professional development focuses on the changing role of the early childhood special education teacher and therapist, from one that is based primarily on direct instruction to one that includes ongoing and robust collaboration with the general early childhood teacher. Topics will include how best to use the time dedicated to direct instruction, how to hold productive collaborative meetings, and how to partner with the early childhood teacher to embed instruction into daily classroom activities. Classes will be held July 20, August 3, 17, 24, September 21, and 28 from 9:00am-12:00pm.

Intro to the RI-IECSE Service Delivery Model for General EC Teachers and Coordinators is a 2-module informational training that introduces the RI-Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education (IECSE) service delivery model. The training includes a focus on the roles of the special educator, as well as the general early childhood teacher while introducing the research behind the model, the rationale for adoption, the key features, and the alignment with RI’s vision for supporting all young children within high quality early learning programs. The sessions will be held on August 25 and 27 from 3:00pm-6:00pm.

Both offerings will be held over Zoom and participants will receive a link once they have registered. Please register through the RIDE Workshop Registration System and search for IECSE. If you have difficulty with registration contact Ruth Gallucci at
