Center for Early Learning Professionals

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Rhode Island Kids Count Releases New Early Learning Fact Sheet / Hoja Informativa sobre Aprendizaje Temprano de Rhode Island Kids Count

Rhode Island Kids Count has released a new Early Learning Fact Sheet. The Fact Sheet focuses on three areas “(1) Stabilize the family child care system, (2) Invest in staffed family child care networks, and (3) Include family child care in the state’s comprehensive, mixed-delivery early care and education system.” You can find the Fact Sheet in English here: Building and Sustaining a High-Quality Family Child Care System in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island Kids Count ha publicado una nueva hoja informativa sobre el aprendizaje temprano. La hoja informativa se enfoca en tres áreas: (1) Estabilizar el sistema de cuidado infantil familiar, (2) Invertir en redes de cuidado infantil familiar con personal, e (3) Incluir el cuidado infantil familiar en el sistema educativo  estatal. Puede encontrar la hoja informativa en español aquí: Construyendo y Sosteniendo un Sistema de Cuidado Infantil Familiar de Alta Calidad en Rhode Island.
