Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Join RIAEYC for a Conversation about BrightStars Updates and Vision for the Future – for Family Child Care Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything, including the way we think about Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in BrightStars. It’s important that while we reflect on our role in the child care and early learning system, we update our community and provide an open forum for feedback from child care providers.

Join us for a live webinar on Wednesday, September 14th, 7:00 – 8:30pm for an update on BrightStars post-pandemic work with family child care providers:

The webinar will including information on the following projects:

  • BrightStars Advisory Committee
  • Post-pandemic Data Findings

The webinar will close with an opportunity for questions and comments.
