Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Information Session on May 23rd for the RIC Infant Toddler Certificate of Undergraduate Studies – Funded by DHS

RIC is hosting 4 sessions to inform any interested party about their Birth to 3 certificate of undergraduate studies.

Program Highlights:

• Eligibility: Available to any DHS Licensed CCAP providers/educators
• Credits: Earn 16 college credits as part of the B3 CUS program
• Articulation with CCRI: Two courses can be applied towards an Associate of Arts (AA) at the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI); all credits can be applied towards a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Early Childhood Education (ECED) with a Concentration in Birth to 3 at RIC
• Format: Evening classes in a hybrid format, combining face-to-face and online sessions
• RI-Best Model: Supports Spanish-speaking students with course content delivered in Spanish and a 1-credit ESL support course each semester
• Mentoring: On-site mentoring is a required component
• Infant Toddler Scholarship: Application details are available on request

The information will be held In-Person and on Zoom on May 23rd at 5pm. 600 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Providence, RI, Horace Mann (39).

For further information or to register for the Zoom session please contact
