Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Incredible Beginnings® Training from the Incredible Years Program®

Rhode Island Regional Coalition is offering the Incredible Beginnings® training series from The Incredible Years Program® for early childcare providers and preschool teachers of children ages 1 to 5. Attendees meet to discuss and share ways to provide an environment that supports children’s optimal early development and long-term social and emotional wellbeing.

The Incredible Beginnings Program® will review teaching methods for toddlers and preschoolers that promote:

  • Nurturing relationships with children and their parents
  • Children’s social skill development and school readiness skills
  • Emotion knowledge and self-regulation
  • A proactive approach to classroom behavior management that prevents behavior problems
  • Positive, intentional behavior management strategies
  • Teacher self-care and stress management; increased confidence and competence

The Incredible Beginnings® training involves 12 three-hour weekly virtual meetings. This free training is approved by the Center for Early Learning Professionals for up to 36 Professional Development hours.

Training begins on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 6-9:30pm (30-minute break at 7pm)
The last date to register is Thursday, November 3, 2022.

If interested, please contact Tamar Dalcé Coles at or call 857-245-8105.
