Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

DHS Infant/Toddler Registered Apprenticeship Program – Recruiting Teachers for Next Cohort!

The DHS Infant Toddler Registered Apprenticeship Program is recruiting teachers for its next cohort!!

The RI Department of Human Services, in partnership with RIAEYC/T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood RI, is recruiting licensed CCAP programs that serve infants and toddlers to enroll infant/toddler TEACHERS in the NEW DHS Infant Toddler Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Program for the Spring 2024 semester.

This apprenticeship model is designed to benefit TEACHERS and SPONSORING PROGRAMS providing generous participation stipends, subsidized wage enhancements, and no-cost professional development. Classrooms will receive ITERS observations; TEACHER ASSISTANTS will work to obtain their Infant/Toddler CDA Credential by engaging in professional development and training opportunities such as the CCRI CDA Training Program and the LearnERS CQI Coaching Program; LEAD TEACHERS will enroll in the Infant/Toddler Certificate of Undergraduate Studies at Rhode Island College where they will earn 16 college credits, applicable towards a degree. Program leadership will also have access to professional development around mentoring and supervision.

RIAEYC and DHS will be hosting two informational meetings on Thursday, October 19 at 6pm and Thursday, October 26 at 6pm. To learn more, please register to attend:

