Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New in the ECE Community

Apply to be a RIDE Curriculum Reviewer

The Rhode Island Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (RIDE) is inviting early learning professionals to participate as reviewers of published, comprehensive and/or content-specific early learning curriculum. Through this process, reviewers will evaluate curriculum submissions intended for use in classrooms servicing children ages 3-5 years for alignment to the 2023 Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards and components of a high-quality early learning curriculum utilizing a RIDE-developed rubric.

Through this application process, RIDE will select approximately 5-10 early learning professionals to form teams that will independently review early learning curriculum submissions and meet jointly to determine final consensus scoring. Review assignments will be based on the number of curricula RIDE receives. Reviewers will be paid $500 per curriculum reviewed and can expect to review three to five curricula depending on the number of curricula submissions RIDE receives. Review work will approximately occur between April 8, 2024 – June 3, 2024.

**To ensure the curriculum review process is holistic, we welcome applications from professionals that represent a variety of roles in the early learning profession such as, but not limited to: General Education and Special Education Preschool/Pre-K Teachers, Kindergarten Teachers, Education Coordinators, Administrators, Professional Development and Technical Assistance providers, Itinerant Service Providers, and Higher Education faculty.

To apply to be a curriculum reviewer, please complete this Google Form: The application will close on Monday, March 11th 2024 at 12:00 PM.
