Center for Early Learning Professionals

What's New

Announcing a New PD/TA/CoP Model for Administrators

Leading by Example – a new PD/TA/CoP Model for Program Administrators is a new PD series!

Are early childhood leaders born, or are they created?  If you are an early childhood leader in Rhode Island, you know best, and either way, your answer is correct!!  Please join a cohort of your early childhood colleagues to learn, develop and share successful leadership strategies to support your program and the profession!

Research supports enhanced efficacy of professional development (PD) with the addition of supportive technical assistance (TA/implementation support) and collegial communities of practice (CoPs). This NEW combined PD, TA, CoP model (offering up to 24 total hours of approved PD hours) will provide Rhode Island’s early childhood leaders with the tools and inspiration necessary to implement effective leadership practices and continuous quality improvement efforts.

Participants must commit to attend trainings, CoP and TA meetings from September 2023 through February 2024 and be in a leadership role (director, education coordinator or administrator) from one of these settings:

  • Center Based Programs
  • After School Programs

As this series is new, it will be utilized as a pilot study, and results will be used to document efficacy of PD/TA/CoP format.  Data will be collected from participants using pre and post participation self-assessment surveys and pre and post Program Administrators Scale self-assessment results. Final results will be shared in an aggregated format, ensuring individual confidentiality.

Goals for Leading by Example include:

  • Reflect and clarify goals for leadership in the profession and program by utilizing the Program Administration Scale (PAS) to identify and implement goals for areas of change, improvement of administrative practices and continuous quality improvement.
  • Define the difference between leader and manager in the ECE setting.
  • Identify the interconnectedness of personal attributes, leadership traits and leadership styles and apply them to the role of leader in your program.
  • Explore Whole Leadership to learn strategies for building systems, reflective supervision, organizational climate, meeting facilitation and shared leadership.
  • Learn Models of Change and becoming a director as change agent.
  • Apply the NAEYC code of ethical conduct to leadership of your program.


  • Commit to six monthly sessions from September 2023 through February 2024 (one Thursday a month from 2:30pm – 4:30pm)
  • Participate in pre and post self-assessment surveys.
  • Completion of the Program Administrators Scale (PAS)
  • Develop QIP goal(s) reflecting a subscale from the PAS
  • Receive supportive TA visits (1 to 1.5 hours/month)
  • Complete intersession assignments/ 2 hours per assignment

* This series will be limited to 8-10 participants.

Click here to register!
