Center for Early Learning Professionals

Center for Early Learning Professionals

A Common Goal: Fostering Empathetic Relationships Within a Child’s Team – Online

Family Child Care Administrators and Educators / Family Engagement / Infant-Toddler Educators / Preschool and Pre-K Educators / Program Directors, Education Coordinators, and Education Supervisors

To deliver impactful care, a child’s team must work as a cohesive, trusting, and therapeutic network. Often negative factors such as distrust, bias, and miscommunication can interfere with the capacity to work together and harm the individual with ASD as a result. This presentation will provide both the family and professional perspectives, the causes of communication breakdowns, and strategies for repairing and preventing them.

Participants can earn up to 2 PD hours by attending this facilitate online session.

WKC standard: Family Engagement
Level 1

PD Hours: up to 2 PD hours
Dates: Wednesday, June 5th
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Modality: Instructor-Led
Location: Webinar